View Full Version : Rough/fading Nissan paint

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08-13-2003, 11:48 AM
I am starting to notice a change in my paint that is worrying me. The driver`s side door on my 1999 Nissan Sentra SE-L is getting progressively rougher to the touch and I am starting to notice white specs showing through. I previously owned a `91 Sentra that was light blue and the paint almost completely wore off it. I didn`t treat my `91 nearly as good (not autopian yet!) as I do my `99, but I just assumed it was a Nissan paint defect for that year. To describe the paint: It feels like a rough spot similar to very fine sandpaper, but not really gritty. It`s like there`s no wax there at all and regardless of how much I polish and wax the spot it doesn`t seem to have that gloss and slick feeling that the rest of the car has. I feel like the paint on the rest of the car is in excellent condition, and I`ve always kept it hand-washed and waxed (bought it new). Anyone else with Nissans or other cars had a similar experience? My light blue Sentra starting turning white at any spot on the paint where a consistent air flow went across it and I Do NOT want my `99 to do the same. I have attached a picture that kind of (hard to capture on film) shows the lack of "reflectiveness" just below the door lock. Thanks.


08-13-2003, 12:29 PM
Have you tried claying the panel? Could be road grit stuck on the paint, claying would help with that.

08-13-2003, 12:38 PM
I can`t tell from that pic but based on your description I`m gonna guess this is the beginning of clearcoat failure.

What I`d do is take the car to a couple of good local body shops and get their input and an estimate to fix. Then I`d read my new car warranty very closely and call the mfr and open a complaint file about this problem. You`re gonna need to document this problem and Nissan needs to get your concerns on the record. This will make it harder for them to weasel out of a possible warranty claim, if you decide to make one.

I`d also suggest creating a timeline of events as part of your documentation. When you bought the car, when you first noticed the problem, who and when you contacted for advice and input, who and when you contacted Nissan, etc, etc.

Lastly research complaints from other Nissan owners (Autopia is not a good place to do this). Edmunds.com and Freshalloy.com are the two places I`d start with. Find other Nissan owners who have had a similar problem and ask what they`ve done to resolve it.

Hope all this helps. Good luck.

08-13-2003, 12:54 PM
Thanks. I`ll have it checked out and see what`s going on.

Also, yes, I have clayed it, but it doesn`t change the feel of the paint. Thanks.

08-13-2003, 12:55 PM
The picture is pretty vague. Sorry. It shows more the lack of reflection in the keys versus the ground. It`s not really noticable yet, but it`s getting worse.

08-13-2003, 12:58 PM
Just did some research on clearcoat failure and this link


looks similar to my `91 Sentra.

08-13-2003, 05:50 PM
Clay it up! :xyxthumbs

KLASSE it up! :xyxthumbs

You know, my old Sentra has the same problem, but I feel it`s more from neglect then Nissan paint, or a contribution from both. But, even on the old dog, KLASSE shines it up well!

08-13-2003, 08:23 PM
I agree with Bretfraz`s assessment, I`m sorry to say. :(

Based on the facts that:

1) Claying does not help (people, READ!).

2) Polishing and waxing does not help.

3) Surface feels "rough but not gritty"

4) White specks are showing up. This is the clearcoat starting to flake/peel off...

I`m sure you know of this place already, but try this forum: http://www.b15sentra.net/forums/index.php?s=

Hopefully if this really is clearcoat failure there will be some kind of repair available from Nissan, like Bret mentioned. Best of luck!

08-14-2003, 08:13 AM
Only because I love my car and have gone out my way for its entire life to make sure it`s clean and taken care of, will I say that the clearcoat problem is NOT from neglect. I`m not attacking you at all, C5Mike, but I do think it`s a Nissan issue. Thanks for all of the info and I`m going to try to get over to a body shop today. Thanks! :p

08-14-2003, 08:15 AM
Oh yeah, I tried some more AIO and SG last night to no avail. :(

08-14-2003, 11:58 AM
I am with Bret on this one. Unfortunately, some Nissan paints are quite fragile/thin.

08-14-2003, 12:18 PM
I think C5Mike was referring to neglecting his own Sentra, but as a Nissan owner myself, I would heartily agree with PrinzII that the paint is very thin and not very durable at all.

08-14-2003, 12:43 PM
Yeah, hallo gallo, I can see how it could be read as neglecting his Sentra. Sorry C5Mike. It`s too bad this is happening b/c I`ve actually been very impressed with the `99`s paint. I thought they finally had it worked out. It still may be something else, but when I get an answer I`ll update the thread. Thanks again.

08-14-2003, 02:02 PM
In the nice, highly-produced sales booklet for the 2001 Nissan Frontier, Nissan devotes a section to paint quality. It says that they shoot diamonds at the paint to test it! Uhm, OK. My paint is not falling off or anything, and I am trying my best to take care of it (by coming here), but it is pretty thin and delicate.

08-25-2003, 12:09 PM
Update on the fading paint issue: While detailing the car last night I decided to try to clay more aggressively than I had in the past. At first, it didn`t seem to be doing anything. But as I was polishing I noticed that the rough area appeared to be getting smaller. I took out the clay again and kept claying that area. I was getting a gray, gritty substance on the clay, but it was VERY slow removing it. I also noticed that this area turned my white polishing pad completely gray. It`s wierd because the rough spot is much more noticable now that I`ve clayed it, but I can`t seem to get it all off. The only thing I can think it might be is brake fluid (changed brake lines a while back), but this shouldn`t be gray and I would assume it would eat the paint rather than coat it. I`m going to continue working with it, but I thought I`d post and see if anyone has had a similar experience.