View Full Version : Southwest Arizona

08-12-2003, 09:09 PM
I have been following this forum for quite some time. I recently purchased a 2004 350Z Nissan Roadster, RedLine.

I use it as a daily driver, and every morning I take about 30 minutes with the California Duster & Final Detail.

Question: The dust that acumulates on the car I know has fine particles of sand, would the California Duster scratch the paint.

I wash it once a week, use the Klasse Twins & S100 as a topper.

I would appreciate input on this, and thanks to all for all of the great tips & techniques.


08-13-2003, 12:23 AM
Major, thats a judgement call......You typically want to use the CCD if theres a real light film of dust on your car, but no more. And I would say its about the same for the QD, course your looking for additional shine....I rarely use the CCD, and opt for the QD instead and go for the shine and slickness.....I just have a real problem knowing theres dust/contaminants on the surface, and drag them along.....I also have a problem using either/or, every day....I opt for maybe once or twice a week, and try to wash weekly.....Keeping your surface slick will retard dust/dirt and any other contaminant......Also, being in the southwest, I wouldnt wait more than three weeks for reapplying S100.....