View Full Version : Tree branch across hood

08-11-2003, 05:45 AM
I had my in-laws in town staying with us. Over the weekend I was trimming trees and was not paying attention to what my father in law was doing. I had told him that I was going to drag the branches in the back yard AROUND the house to the driveway. He decided to help and decided to take a short-cut.

I turned around in the yard in time to see him drag a large branch between the house and garage--and right across the front of the hood of my car. I yelled, but it was too late. Now have some very nice scratches across the hood. I think I can get them out, but I am sick about it.

His reply was--a few scratches never hurt anything! :angry

imported_CBX Carl
08-11-2003, 07:50 AM
I had my Truck in the driveway ( small space ) and my daughter supprised me by getting her own bike out. Scratches right along the wheelwell.

We can only do so much and remember Autopian Cars are 99.9 % above the rest of the world even with a few scratches.