View Full Version : s100-Love it

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08-07-2003, 10:01 AM
Yesterday I finally got the chance to go and buy some s100 at the local (well not local but nearest) harley shop. The woman there spoke very highly of it and sounded kind of shocked when i told her i was using it on my car. I got home and started washing around 1:30 and i washed, cleaned tires and rims and dressed tires, dryed car off, and applied s100 to sections at a time and got done around 2:30 or 3:00. I thought that stuff was so easy to use and left a great shine. Very pleased with this stuff. Will use again, but next time its gonna be #26,s100. Thanks!!

08-07-2003, 11:17 AM
Give it another coat !

08-07-2003, 11:35 AM
Originally posted by Patrick

Give it another coat !

or two! :spot

One of my neighbors just finished his "project car".. a 1972 Chevelle SS396..Gold and black, with the sweetest exhaust tones!

08-07-2003, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by 71chevelle

Will use again, but next time its gonna be #26,s100. Thanks!!

That also is my planned strategy. Liquid #26, topped by S100 a week later.

08-07-2003, 11:52 AM
But I heard layering s100 doesnt help?? Since its a carnuaba and all...?:confused: :confused:

*EDIT* you posted same time I did, Why are you gonna wait a week?? Just curious..

08-07-2003, 12:42 PM
why the 26?

Also, the S100 improves the next day. give it a quick distilled water spritz the next day and bang! What a shine!

08-07-2003, 01:23 PM
You can layer Carnaubas for additional protection, but I wouldnt go over, say, 3 layers.....normally wait a day before though......

08-07-2003, 02:03 PM
insted of topping #26 with s100, why not go a polymer and caranuba route? The popular combo that i also use is klasse all in one followed by s100.

08-07-2003, 02:06 PM
The jury is still out on carnauba layering, but generally 1 or 2 days up to a week are suggested between carnauba coats IIRC.

08-07-2003, 02:10 PM
So i just put another coat of s100 on..man it looks good, I love this stuff to death. So easy to use but yet so effective. So tomorow do the distilled water thing, or what bout QD?? And how do i post pictures? I took some with my Sprint pcs phone.. they are aight.

08-07-2003, 02:33 PM
I usually QD before I put the second coat of S100.

08-07-2003, 02:35 PM
Yeah i did that but i was saying that if you use distilled water wouldnt QD do the same thing? Like the next day for that deeper shine..

08-07-2003, 07:01 PM
I couldn`t say that he distilled water helped or not, but I can say that I usually put 2 layers of carnuba, 24 hours apart. I haven`t felt that the water would make it any better. IMO, it`s another opportunity to introduce spots and scratches. I wax it and leave it alone. I keep the cars garaged; if I think that dust has built up during the 24 hours, I CCD.


08-07-2003, 08:23 PM
since we are talking about S100 I did mine today and after I was finished the paint surface felt very rough?:( I did use QD before I started.What do you think happened.and no I did not drop the pad.

08-07-2003, 08:43 PM
I usually QD before I put the second coat of S100.

See, now I would have a problem with that....Why would you want to put anything between layers ? And why even use it ? If there was any residual wax, another coat would more than likely resoften and assist in removal....To me, it would be like putting lotion on your arms, wiping with a wet towel, and putting another layer of lotion on, it just doesnt make sense to me.....:nixweiss