View Full Version : how to clean tyres

08-07-2003, 05:18 AM
Does anyone have any advice on cleaning tyres properly to get all the muck out of them, before actually just dressing them?


08-07-2003, 05:41 AM
This is what i do :

I use my wheel cleaner, or even a multipurpose cleaner, 2 got scrubbing brushes, 1 thick and heavy duty one, and one finer one. And a bucket of water with car wash in it.

Get out in the sunlight (as rare as it is in the UK) and scrub till no brown is left. Rinse as often as possible, rotate the wheels as well so you have no patches left.

Then dress.

08-07-2003, 07:33 AM
Ditto to what Myles says. I use an Oxo brush I got from CMA and 1 or 2 squirts of EF HI until the "brown" is out.

Tim Lingor
08-07-2003, 09:22 AM
Hi Clare,

Are you the young lady that Faceman (Matthew) is getting married to in Oct. ??? Congrats if you are!!! :)

As to your question, to clean the tires, I use a long handled brush and Eagle One Tire Cleaner. You could also use Meguiar`s Extra All Purpose Cleaner as well (with the Meg`s you could use it for other cleaning duties as well). Either one of these cleaners do an awesome job.

Then dress the tire with your favourite dressing. I do not find that I need to clean the tires with each wash. I can usually just wipe them off with a sponge and re-dress them again. After the 4th wash or so, I clean the tires again and re-dress.



08-07-2003, 01:47 PM
I`m partial to Mothers Tire and Rubber cleaner myself after using the EO also. I find I use less of it. I use a $1 scrub brush on them that is a bit on the softer and finer side because I feel it lets me clean the small details of the tires better.

I think the trick to keeping tires looking nice is to clean them every time you wash and to re-dress them. Don`t worry if you don`t get all the dressing off in subsequent cleanings. In my experience you seem to only have to clean them extra thoroughly down to bare rubber once, and then just maintain it afterwards. HTH!

EDIT: I Just re-read Tim`s post above - YMMV and to each his own! :D