View Full Version : Meg`s Medallion Paint Cleaner for oxidaton?

08-03-2003, 11:17 PM
Is MMPC a good choice for removing oxidation? I`m about to detail a friend`s black truck that has some oxidation.

Are there better products?

08-03-2003, 11:34 PM
Can you characterize: How severe is the oxidation? AIO will work for some; severe oxidation may require PC and polish. More details, please.

08-03-2003, 11:38 PM
Hi, Lynn

I would say it is slightly oxidized ... not real bad yet. The reason I was asking about MMPC is because I already own that product.

08-04-2003, 12:24 AM
If the oxidation is light, then it probably will remove it. Work small areas and work the product in very well before buffing off the excess.

08-04-2003, 05:41 AM
Originally posted by Scottwax

If the oxidation is light, then it probably will remove it. Work small areas and work the product in very well before buffing off the excess.

I`d be honored if you could indulge the newbie in me and be bit more verbose about "work the product in very well."

Are you talking about the amount of time, the amount of pressure, both, something else? And if so, how much time and/or pressure? I would imagine there has to be some trade-off between "scrubbing" off the oxidation and beginning to do some damage to the clear coat. In other words, how does one walk the fine line between the two (without a decade of experience and some failed attempts during the apprenticeship ;) )

Thanks in advance for any pro tips/hints/insights you can spare!

08-04-2003, 01:54 PM
Well I`m not Scott, but here`s my $0.02 until he chimes in. I think it`s pretty hard to break through the clearcoat by hand unless you`re using something inappropriately strong. To me, "working it in well" involves both pressure (not too much!), time, and speed, until the product is starting to dry out.

08-04-2003, 03:11 PM
Rich, I`ve used Meguiar`s Medallion PPC on oxidized cars before and had very good results with it. I would agree with Scott and say that as long as it is not too bad, you should be fine. I use a foam applicator and work a small section (1/4 of the hood or smaller) at a time by hand...when the product begins to "disappear" I buff off with a clean terry towel. You`ll need plenty of towels for the black truck, as you`ll pull up all sorts of grime when you buff the cleaner off. It`s probably a smart idea to have a couple applicators handy. When mine gets very soiled, I throw it out and get a new one. I find that when they get gunked up I just smear all that grime and oxidized paint around...also makes removal more difficult. Good luck with the project!

08-05-2003, 05:53 AM
Thanks for taking the time to respond, guys! I`ve read just about everything on this site and did not see this issue specifically addressed which is why I had to ask. Can`t wait for David to get V3 of his e-book posted so I can devour that! :xyxthumbs