View Full Version : Started using SEC and S100 on the hood, question...

08-03-2003, 03:00 AM
I`ve been going through the discussions here and would like to add probably mothers glaze to hide some scratches on the hood, problem is that I`ve already treated it with SEC and S100.

Can I go over the S100 with the glaze or should I dawn wash and start over again...

I`m thinking the process for the vehicle will be SEC, Glaze, S100

What do you think? I`ve already got the truck washed with dawn, and it`s garaged, I won`t take it out till I`m done with it...

08-03-2003, 04:57 AM
I`m a little confused. First it sounds like you have SEC and S100 on the truck, then it sounds like you went ahead and washed it with Dawn. So where do things stand?

With the little I understand/know so far, I`ve only heard of folks applying glaze before wax.

08-03-2003, 05:09 AM


I originally washed the truck with dawn

I then applied S100 SEC

I then applied S100 Wax

... I then reconsidered what I had done and think I should have applied a glaze in between the two steps to hide some of the light scratches.

so, to do it right, where does this leave me?

I was thinking remove wax (maybe S100 SEC will do this?)

then apply a glaze to mask some scratches

then S100 Wax.

Darn, it`s just a hood :rolleyes:

Well, the truck`s new to me and I want it to look nice :)

Suggestions are welcome.

08-03-2003, 05:47 AM
I have Mothers claybar,

but it`s just finding the time in my schedule to do it all, I was just thinking of saving it for *next time* the finish is pretty good, it`s been garaged and kept clean since new (17,000 miles ago). The original owner told me it had been caught in the rain 2 times in the whole time he had it (it was a 3rd or 4th vehicle of his).

... you`re going to make me clay bar it, huh...

there`s lotta truck here to work on, maybee finish by the fall.. lol


here are some pics of what I`m working on btw...

I hope this works....


08-03-2003, 10:07 PM
Sorry to tell you this, haiweigh, but I agree with ejant. Wash, clay, then SEC, glaze, and wax. You say it`s "only" been driven 17,000 miles. I claybar mine at least every 3 months. Until you clay, you will not understand what a huge difference it can make. But.... if you want to skip the Awesome Clay Experience this time ... then ... wash, SEC, glaze, wax. It`s your call.

08-04-2003, 07:05 AM
thanks for the input,

as it stands now I won`t be using the truck for the rest of the week because it`s supposed to rain EVERY day.

Hmmm.... can I clay bar in the rain?? No trouble worrying about moisture there :)