View Full Version : Klasse Application Video. Please critique

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08-01-2003, 11:26 AM
I started using Klasse AIO and SG last week and have been reading as much as I can about the application of both. After polishing my A6 I decided to try the AIO/SG route. I found it very difficult to use a small amount of SG as I am used to seeing the product on the car as I work. Using my digital camera`s 30sec video function, I decided to take a few videos of my SG application to see if veteran Klasse users can tell if I`m using too much, the wrong procedure, or give any other tips. These videos show my third application of SG and is a little choppy, but I think it works. The MF towel I`m using is dry. My SG process has been to apply, let it cure over night, remove, and re-apply (It`s nice having a garage-queen!). After that first SG application I think I was able to put much less on, but hopefully this video can help others too.

I put the videos on my website. They are just links to the /image directory of my site, so if you have problems viewing from the site, you should be able to "SAVE TARGET AS" if you right click on them. The website is still a work in process, but I have pictures of my cars and few other things on there. Thanks for everyone`s help!



08-01-2003, 11:44 AM
Oh yeah, in the first video of the Klasse application, I covered the rear door with that dime sized amount. Too much, too little? Thanks.

Steve @ Guru
08-01-2003, 01:25 PM
Temporarily Unavailable

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The site will be available again in approximately 2 hours!

Ahhh, good `ole angelfire...

08-01-2003, 01:27 PM
:lol :lol

08-01-2003, 01:28 PM
Crap, I`ll try to move it to my server at work.

Ok...That didn`t work, they stopped allowing my IP address outside access. Geez...anyone know a good site to post a video where it won`t close if two people use it?

08-01-2003, 01:49 PM
I have the two files in my computer. If you want them and your e-mail server can handle two 3 meg files, send me your address and I`ll send them out.

My thoughts? Don`t use an MF towel to apply as it`s tough to get a nice even layer that way...and you`ll also be removing a lot of product as you apply it.

Use LESS product and apply with either a foam app or MF app. It looks like you`re using about a quarter-sized drop.... Too much IMO for a single door panel.

08-01-2003, 01:59 PM
Thanks. I`m going to try to move my site somewhere else. These free sites suck. Thanks for the suggestions on the applicator. Should I see streaking or should it be so thin that I just assume it`s there?

08-01-2003, 02:34 PM
On silver, the KSG haze is `practically` invisible and can only be seen at just the right lighting angles. I like to `dab` the product in 4-5 spots over the panel I`m planning to do before I start spreading it (the TortoiseAWD Method!). This helps with getting the coats thin and also ensures that you`re getting pretty good coverage.

Check out this thread on applying thin, even coats.... Although the product used here is Zaino, I`ve found that it works well with any liquid product.


08-01-2003, 08:59 PM
Here is how I do it, in various parts of the thread: http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=16352&highlight=damp+line+thin+klasse

I can`t remember what applying SG is like without the pad being damp, but I can`t see it getting any thinner than this. :p HTH and good luck!

08-04-2003, 08:18 AM
no question the SG needs to be applied sparingly, and with a dry applicator - it does not like any water or moisture. I use a foam pad and i put the SG in a spray bottle with a fine mister. this is by far the best - it distributes the SG onto the applicator evenly and also uses a very very small amount. as the applicator gets damp - i use even less product. after an hour drying time, using this method, it comes off quite easily.

08-04-2003, 03:57 PM
OK, I had downloaded your video when you first posted it, but only got to look at it today. As Intermezzo said, applying it with a large MF towel is kind of self defeating. Once you get the small ammount of product you have on the towel applied, the dry portion of the towel will most likely remove the product. A smaller applicator will work best, once it has some SG on it, you have to add very little to cover the next panel.

Also, take a little more time to make sure you are covering the whole panel completely, looks like you missed a lot of spots.


08-06-2003, 10:00 AM

I now know why I take so long to Zaino my car. Your technique looks a little too fast for me. As mpauly said, looks like you would miss some areas at that pace.

In any event, you answered my question. Another couple of avis to add to my collection.


08-06-2003, 10:59 AM
Your post is one thing that prompted me to make the video. I actually applied a little more carefully over the two previous coats. I just wanted to give everyone a general idea of the amount I was using, the application pad/towel, and the general area I was covering. Plus we need more videos out here. I should have used a tripod. It`s tough to apply SG with one hand and hold the camera with the other. I tried again with a foam pad and it seemed to go on better. Thanks for the tips and suggestions.

08-06-2003, 11:24 AM
what codec is required to play the file?

08-06-2003, 12:05 PM
Just so you know, you might want to check your bandwidth usage. The video has been temp. suspended for excessive bandwidth.