View Full Version : My on going battle with pollen...

07-31-2003, 06:01 PM
Is there no way to keep that crap off my car? I have a true blue Mustang so every single spec of it shows! I have to wipe the car down several times a day just to keep it looking nice. The car is waxed with Meguiars #26 so removal of the pollen is easy it is just a hassle to have to do it all the time. I hate to see my hard work go to waste (spent three days with a Porter Cable polishing and waxing what the dealership screwed up) because of pollen. I don`t own a car cover and I don`t really want one. Is there anything other than a car cover that will repel pollen or do I just have to keep fighting it? Thanks!

Michael Brezina

07-31-2003, 08:48 PM
Repel pollen? I don`t think so....

If you don`t have one already, I highly recommend the California Car Duster (CCD). Used by itself it can get a car pretty clean looking, which makes it an even better step to use before a full QD session. :)

08-01-2003, 01:31 AM
What exactly is the California Duster? I have the water blade (I don`t use it on my car, I`m afraid it will scratch) that I use on the house windows and what not but I don`t know anything about the duster.

08-01-2003, 02:11 AM
I was using #26 then found that it seemed to attract alot of dust/pollen so I switched to UPP and it seems to attract less dust/pollen than when using #26. But now I am topping the UPP with #26 since it seems to give more depth.

08-01-2003, 02:12 AM
Looks like an elongated handheld mop head saturated with paraffin. I too have a pollen problem and there`s no getting around having to dust the car off evry so often. I used to use a wool duster and that just pushed the pollen around and left small scratches. The CCD works a lot better. Short of washing the car, there`s nothing else that I know that works as good, not even compressed air.

08-01-2003, 03:32 AM
Microfibers seem to work pretty good, all though after awhile it just pushes it around so I need to switch to a new one.

Compressed air won`t work? My dad is a cabinet maker and he`s got a huge air compressor I should give it a whirl. I don`t think it could hurt the paint.

08-01-2003, 07:10 AM
Compressed air systems need a nozzle that usually concentrates the air blast at a small area. A good blast would remove a good percentage of the pollen. But to get the remaining amount would require that you almost point the blast at each and every pollen grain. Even then there are some that will remain. You end up getting the nozzle closer and closer to the paint surface, maybe even making contact with the paint. MF towels work good too for a bit. CCD makes it so easy though because the handle allows you to reach places with less effort and cover a big area quickly.

08-01-2003, 05:08 PM
Hey neighbor!

We get that pollen stuff here too. The CCD works great

keeping a handle on it (please excuse the pun:p ).

I got mine for about $10 at Wal-Mart. At that price a

person could put one in the garage and in the trunk.

That and lots of #26 to keep the surface as slick as

possible. I put a couple coats a month on each of

my vehicles.

08-01-2003, 11:25 PM
Glad to hear my neighbors are suffering with me!

I am going to go in search of said duster tomorrow. Hopefully my Walmart has one! Man I love applying that #26, it looks so good. I swear a day doesn`t go by when I don`t consider adding another coat. I need to go buy more. Porter Cable makes it even better and removal is very easy. :dance

08-07-2003, 06:20 AM
I also have the same problem ...you detail it then come out the next morning and bam!! My graphite truck is Green ..:sosad

I purchased a CCD but with all the trees in my yard it`s no good ....tree sap makes it stick ....:angry

Looks Like I`ll be getting a cover for it :idea

This forum Rocks...Can`t wait to try all the tips I`m reading here

08-07-2003, 09:33 AM
ived tried topping my car with winners circle anti-static finising creme.i t really keeps the dust off. look at www.winnersreflection.com get an autopian discount too. Its run by red 98 gt an autopian great service too.