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07-31-2003, 01:14 AM
Was in Central/Eastern Washington yesterday and the temperature was somewhere between 103-108. I guess I wasn`t used to the heat (being from the Seattle area) and I got a migraine while driving home. I had to vomit out the window while driving 70 mph. Anyway, so it was all over the side of the car and I washed it today thinking it would get it off, but it didn`t, but I didn`t really scrub hard. Will scrubbing it hard with a wash mitt work or is there something esle I should use to get it off. The acid of my stomach is kinda worrying me, like I don`t think it etched the paint but I`m pretty sure it isn`t good for the paint to sit on there, anyway,thanks for your help.

Bobby G
07-31-2003, 01:39 AM
Well, yuck! Sorry you had to loose your lunch down the side of your car. You`re right, it needs to come off soon. It is a protein stain, like egg, which can be difficult to remove. If your regular wash shampoo and a sponge won`t remove it, use dish detergent then rewax the area.


07-31-2003, 01:51 AM
Ick! :eek: Hope there wasn`t any damage seeing as how the stomach has a lot of HCl and the temps were hot. Check for damage, but hopefully it hasn`t been long enough to do anything.

07-31-2003, 04:54 AM
spray the remaining stuff off with water then wash like regular

07-31-2003, 08:45 AM
For some reason, I laughed when I saw the subject of this post. Maybe its because it took be right back to my Jr. year of college.

And I can relate because I`ve had migraine`s before (they are hereditary) and they suck really really bad. My opinion is to hit it with some WD 40, wash it, then spot re-polish and wax it...just to be safe.

07-31-2003, 09:09 AM
Trust me..I feel your pain. I was in Phoenix last week. The temps ranged from 107 to 115 during the day. I was actually reading a paperbook by the pool. I went to get into the water and came out and picked up the book. All the pages fell out from the melted binding lol..

Imagine what its doing to your skin...Luckily I didn`t get sick.

07-31-2003, 09:25 AM
Soften soften soften..................Moisten area before scrubbing clean.....Like David and 4Dsc said, protein, acids = nasty........

Chances are the byproducts have dehydrated and become brittle, you need to soften them up before making contact, or you stand the chance of them sticking in your sponge and scratching......

07-31-2003, 11:32 AM
Originally posted by Patrick

Soften soften soften..................Moisten area before scrubbing clean.....

Here`s a tip, take a damp/wet MF and lay it on the stuck on goo. DOn`t rub it, just let it sit. You may have to adjust the MF`s dampness to get it to stick to the side panels. Leave it there as long as necessary to let the goo soften. You may need to rewet the MF.

This is the mildest approach. If it doesn`t work you may have to try some bug and tar remover or maybe clay it?

I had a friend puke out my window for other, more entertaining reasons, but I hosed it off quickly before it dried. How long did you let the stuff sit there?


07-31-2003, 01:14 PM
sorry, but I have to do this:



07-31-2003, 02:25 PM

Dogs are a good solution to clean up barf. My friend heaved on his mother`s antique coffee table (mixing chewing tobacco and beer when we were 14). Before we could get a rag to wipe it up, his Dalmation came over and licked it up bone clean! :D A little Pledge and the mother never suspected a thing.

Seriously, hope your head is doing better. A good Dawn wash followed by a cleaner wax should clean you right up.

07-31-2003, 03:20 PM

Someone PLEASE start a flamewar so I can lock and dispose of this disgusting thread! :hm

That is TRULY vile Spilchy........

I think I need a shower.

07-31-2003, 03:34 PM
Mmmmmm, nothing like a hot glass of vomit after a work out, wait thats a protein shake, eh same thing, at least tastes the same (don`t ask how I know (well hot passionate night of well you know, then she up chucks in your mouth (she was really turned on), argh, mouth wash.))

ANYWAY! Get that vomit off ASAP. I would recommend www.autoint.com `s ABC`s neutralization system. Stand back and observe the damage. Try to polish it out if there is etching, hopefully not, then protect it with a wax/sealant of your choice.

PS. Hope the above comment was a dream, it was a dream, haha crap, it wasn`t though, or was it?

07-31-2003, 04:18 PM
I`d hit it with a power washer first, get the bulk of it off, the soak the paint with wax remover / dish detergent solution. Roll down the windows and hand a soaked towel over the area.

I had that happen once ... a friend decided to just unleash half-way on the side of my car. Fortunately, I was just a few minutes from a car wand wash station and cleaned it right up.

Good luck eh. That`s when having a sealant protection really kicks in !

07-31-2003, 04:32 PM
This could have been avoided if you pulled off the road to puke!

07-31-2003, 10:39 PM
Originally posted by Blue-Sun

sorry, but I have to do this:



Okay, you asked for it....WARNING....vomit car pic ahead!

Link--(btw, the inside pic is worse, so I won`t even link that one)
