View Full Version : Help! Ordered a PC and don`t know where to start!!

I Roll
07-30-2003, 09:19 PM
I just ordered a PC 7336 through northwestpowertools.com ($109-can`t beat that!). I have been studying the "The Definitive Porter Cable Accessorizing Thread" and the given links within the thread to try to figure how I will use my PC for the first time. I know I need the velcro backing pad, and I think I have a good idea of what kind of pads I will get. Where I am getting confused is what products I should use for a basic polish and glaze/wax.

Let me lay out what I am working with. I have a 2002 Volvo S60. It is Black Sapphire, which is metallic black. It has very minor scratches and swirls that I would like to hide, and then cover with a good liquid wax. Oh, and I forgot I want to clay the car first.

I have a bottle Meguiars Gold Class wax that I figure I will use since I already have it. Where I am lost is what kind of polish/clear should I use for the minor swirls and scratches. Please keep in mind that I am a beginner with the PC and don`t want to use anything that could be too agressive.

Thanks for your help, and 4DSC just wanted to thank you for writing "The Definitive Porter Cable Accessorizing Thread". That definately made it a lot easier shopping for my PC and know what I was buying. :bow

07-30-2003, 09:45 PM
Hey, I`m in almost exactly the same position too. After researching and learning tons of stuff on this site I finally bought a PC 7336 on the weekend and got a velcro conversion pad for the sanding backplate. I would have liked to get a real backing plate, but what stuff I can get here in Canada is hard enough to find as it is.

I`m going to try and help by brother take out some fairly major swirling and spiderwebbing off his black Acura this weekend. I plan to wash and clay first, then use 3M SMR with the PC. If that doesn`t work, then I plan to step up to DACP. I`m using a Meguiar`s cutting pad (couldn`t find anything else around here and didn`t want to order from the U.S.). Since you say your swirling and scratches are light, you might want to go with a polishing pad and something like SMR first, since that makes a less aggressive combination. If you need more, then you can always move up to the cutting pad with SMR and then DACP if you need it. I think that`s the way to do it. (Sorry, first post, but that`s the way I think it`s supposed to be done from everything I`ve read?)

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for their help and contributions, especially 4DSC as well! Good luck to you on your Volvo!

07-30-2003, 11:39 PM
Lokman, way to read up, youve both done your homework !

I roll, after your clay treatment, you may want to grab some Megs Deep Crystal paint cleaner or Fine Cut cleaner, prior to any polishing, this will assist in cleansing prior to your polishing, a very important step, especially with black.......

Polish with #2 Polish or Body Shop Swirl Free Polish......Then wax with your Gold Class, and go thin !!!

Maintain with a QD, many favorite Autopians prefer, ClearKote Quickshine, Eagle One, and Megs products......

You have some experimenting to do !!!!! :dance

I Roll
07-31-2003, 12:09 PM
Thanks Patrick and lokman. I was in much need of some guidance. Now, can you tell me appox. how long this process will take for a first timer? Would I need a full day on the weekend, or is this something I could pull off after work if I hustled?

07-31-2003, 12:39 PM
I would try to devote a weekend to your efforts....Being as you havent used the PC yet, its going to take some getting used to, as well as the materilas your going to be using. A PC is there to help you, and expedite things, but you may find it a hindurance in the very beginning, and thats only because you dont really know what to expect from it....Just be patient, and take mental notes for the next time......You have speeds, pads, products, consistancy, hazing, swirls, all sorts of things you will learn about in the near future, youll master it, but it just takes time like anything else.....If you should get frustrated, wait until the next day to resume......:cool:

07-31-2003, 03:11 PM
Welcome to Autopia lokman! :welcome

It looks like you`ve done your homework too. :up If you`re having trouble finding pads and products, try phoning around to all the local auto parts stores and *especially* body shop supply stores (should be in phone book) and start quoting parts numbers. The latter places can usually get you anything, and if they don`t have Meguiar`s pads (most do), some other companies make pads as well. Just because a place doesn`t have something in stock doesn`t mean they can`t get it. :)

I Roll the default procedure if you`re not sure how to proceed is to start off milder, and then work your way up. Keep in mind that different products have different strengths and it`s basically up to you to keep them straight. DCS paint cleaner is probably a tad weaker than Swirl Free, Fine Cut is stronger than either of these, and the DCS Polish is just a glaze. I would start with a swirl remover (Swirl Free, #9, SMR) and see how that works.

I would also devote a whole weekend to the project. Claying alone can be time consuming depending on how picky you are. :p Good luck!

I Roll
07-31-2003, 04:32 PM
Again, thanks for the input. One problem I have is that I don`t have a garage, but I do have a car cover. If I were to only finish

half the job and then cover the car for the night, would I be endangering the finish on the car since I stripped the protectant off? The car cover is not 100% waterproof.

07-31-2003, 05:03 PM
You should be fine.

Some people who can`t finish a complete job in a single day will go section by section.

For example start with the hood and clean, polish and wax before moving on to the next section.

Personally, I don`t like this idea simply since I tend to not be as neat as others and get polish on the section I`ve just finished.

But either way you should be fine, starting one day and finishing the next.

07-31-2003, 09:41 PM
I roll:

Here are some links which go over in great detail on the PC. These are by far the best definitive way of learning on how to use your PC.

Thanks to Steve for the great work!

Detailer`s Dream (http://www.roadfly.org/milemarker/7/porter_cable_buffer.1.html)

And make sure you read this: PC for beginners (http://bimmer.roadfly.org/bmw/forums/detailing/forum.php?postid=1430487&page=1)

This should help!



I Roll
08-01-2003, 11:40 AM
Deanski, thanks for those links. They definately help a lot.

Nice SC430 too!