View Full Version : Clean / Protect Chevy Avalanche Plastic

07-30-2003, 03:08 PM
What in tarnations do you guys use to clean down and then protect all that god awful plastic that is plastered all over that wretched truck known as the Chevy Avalanche?

My friend got one a year ago and has given up washing it because it is too much for him.

Now I have been selected to come in and do a number on it - full detail.

Any tips on the exterior plastic would be great!

07-30-2003, 03:24 PM
Spilchy, I hear ya on that Avalanche, that thing has as much plastic as the freakin Honda Element...it just looks plain cheesy. At least the Caddy version of it has painted plastic so it looks 10 times better. I`ve seen the white ones with 20" chromies on it and it looked bad azz!!

I would say maybe 303 on it? This would protect it from getting faded but I`m not sure how long it will last being that its exposed directly to the elements...

Scott P
07-30-2003, 03:30 PM
A friend of mine has an Avalanche, so I`ve done a few searches. Nothing really comes up. I`m going to give him some Moose Wax to try out. It works on plastic, plus it`s good cleaning ability should make it more than suitable.

07-30-2003, 03:42 PM
hhmm, I have Moose Wax and like it on paint and wheels. Don`t know if I want to waste it on his truck!

07-30-2003, 05:49 PM
On textured plastic cladding I prefer something like Stoner Trim Shine.

Not too sure I`d use a wax on cladding as it may stain. Certainly try it on a hidden area first.

C. Charles Hahn
07-30-2003, 06:33 PM
I agree, trim shine seems to do the job nicely. For cleaning I would just use some APC+ or similar.

07-30-2003, 08:27 PM
I e-mailed Everett at Clearkote and he recommended after cleaning, to dress with his Leather/Vinyl/Rubber protectant.

He said it offers UV protection and should last 6 - 8 weeks.

I e-mailed him regarding using Moose Wax. He said to use Vanilla Moose instead and to trst first since it is textured.

07-30-2003, 11:48 PM
Originally posted by bretfraz

On textured plastic cladding I prefer something like Stoner Trim Shine.

Not too sure I`d use a wax on cladding as it may stain. Certainly try it on a hidden area first.

Exactly....as I own an AVALANCHE......

I also sometimes use 303 and ones like it...

I also like the KLASSE ruuber/vinyl/plastic protectant.....as stinky and oily as this stuff is it works really well......I was impressed...

For cleaning...clean it like paint except use a OXO brush...for touch spots I use an all purpose cleaner from meguiars or my fave is EFHI.........

It really is easy to clean as there is not much paint.......I suggest a leaf blower to dry so you can get the water hiding in the cladding and mirrors.....

Need more ask away,.....PS there was some threads on this one from me about 2 years ago and one about 2 months ago....

Try the word CLADDING....

Also if faded...tell him to go back to dealer for some new cladding...........

PS if you look hard enough at vehicles on the road a bunch have this plastic...JEEPs ecspecailly......

07-31-2003, 10:25 AM
Valugard molding and trim renewer is the best for hard grainy plastic. It lasts a while and doesnt run off when it rains.

08-01-2003, 12:52 PM
Yeah, the lower half of my Jeep Grand Cherokee has the same type of cladding. You definitely want to use trim dressing rather than wax.

The best thing I`ve found is the Meguiars trim shine (the gel in the black bottle, not the spray stuff in the red bottle). But, being a gel, it does take a while to apply to that much surface area. With an Avalanche, you`ll have triple the job! Stoners spray on trim shine might be easier for you, but I`m not sure how it well it will hold up--all the spray ons I`ve used have run after the first rain.

08-01-2003, 01:22 PM
What about old school Armor All?

08-01-2003, 03:13 PM
I have to agree with the others on using Stoner`s Trim Shine. I use it on Jeeps fender flares and notice a big difference between Trim Shine and other trim dressings. :up

08-01-2003, 05:15 PM
einszett tiefenpfleger(vinyl/rubber care), the best i`ve ever used for exterior plastic. doesn`t run or streak and lasts a long time. much better than 303, zaino, stoner`s or anything else IMHO!

08-01-2003, 05:24 PM
Last Avalanche I detailed I used Stoners Trim Shine and it came out wonderfully. I used some old wax I picked up at a car show that could be used on all surfaces that did a good job too, it was called "Z Best Wax". It can be used on paint, glass, plastic, metals, etc...but did a real good job at protecting the plastic on the Avalanche.:up