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07-29-2003, 01:47 PM
Hi everyone I am awaiting the arrival of my 2004 Silver CLK 500 and was pointed to this site for advice. Reading through what seems to be a great site it seems to me that for a rookie detailer like myself the "Perfect Shine Kit" is a no brainer.

However it seems like that refers to darker colors.?? If anyone could give me thoughts on using this on a Brilliant Silver finish I would be most grateful.

Pictures would be great also.

Thanks in advance.

Colin, Scott AFB, Illinois.

07-29-2003, 02:21 PM

nice choice on the car!

please post pics when the car has arrived. I would also suggest that the dealer NOT DETAIL it before taking ownership of the car. I have heard of a few Merc and BMW`s here that got dealer installed swirls.

07-29-2003, 03:12 PM
Nebraska99 - Welcome to Autopia. Yep, that`s a nice car you have coming.

Hey, ANOTHER St. Louis Autopian! I believe there`s a big Autopia get-together coming up there.

I have a number of silver cars, so here`s my $0.02:

You should plan to clay the car (and/or use AutoInt`s ABC) to remove any ferrous deposits. They can cause rust blooms that are VERY noticeable on silver. By the time that happens, it`s sorta too late.

Speaking of "too late", as WRXemALL said, many dealers really will mess up your new car when they prep it. This will necessitate a polishing process to remove swirl marks/scratches. OUR local MB dealers...well, the way they treat cars is one BIG reason why we no longer drive Benzes.

The only "problem" with the Perfect Shine Kit (as *I* see it) is that *I`D* prefer to see a long-lasting sealant between the AIO and the P21S. I`m using P21S WITHOUT as sealant on one of my cars, but it`s a garage-queen that doesn`t get rained on or parked outside.

Questions: how frequently do you want to rewax the car? Will it be exposed to the elements much?

Different products can look TOTALLY different on silver, to the extent of making it look like a completely different shade of paint. Honestly, you`ll probably have to try a few different products to find just what you like best. My wife and I have Audis with the exact same silver paint, but you wouldn`t believe it to see them side by side because we each have our preferred "look".

07-29-2003, 03:25 PM
Almost all of the products talked about here can give you spectacular results. Prep and maintenance are just as important, after that it boils down to specific needs and preferences in appearance etc.

All the stuff in the kit is top notch and kits are a great way to start out. That being said I`m partial to Zaino on Silver (http://home.comcast.net/~amansir1/z5_gti.jpg) ;)

I`d suggest getting the e-book if you haven`t as well :up

Sweet ride and welcome to Autopia


07-30-2003, 06:32 AM
Accumulator..a question: Why do I need to use a clay bar on a new car?


07-30-2003, 07:46 AM
rail dust from transport can be imbedded on the surface of the paint, thus the clay. Also, with most poducts, paint prep is key, which includes claying the paint before applying anything, especially Zaino, since it`s nearly optically perfect!

07-30-2003, 08:32 AM
Hey Colin, Welcome over! :)

I would do the following:

1. Do NOT let dealer detail.

2. Clay

3. Apply Zaino system

As far as clear directions, there are numerous threads and the like on how to clay and the Zaino system. If you have any questions feel free to PM me or just post. :) Post pictures after you are done...you can check out my black CLK somewhere in the member galleries (I hate you for having an `04 :) j/k:xyxthumbs ).

07-30-2003, 08:34 AM
Oh I almost forgot to mention...David B.`s book is an invaluable resource. Well worth the purchase. :up You can d/l the first 8 chapters I believe somewhere on this site if you want a preview.

07-30-2003, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by Nebraska99

Accumulator..a question: Why do I need to use a clay bar on a new car?T.I.A.

Basically what Blue-Sun said. Long-winded explanation follows: I`ve done a lot of silver and pearl white cars where, without claying, tiny rust spots appeared in (not ON) the paint after six months to a year, despite careful, traditional detailing. I could THEN only remove them temporarily, they`d almost always come back. I`ve since learned that this is from tiny ferrous deposits (yes, probably from "rail dust" that got on the paint during transport, despite the plastic sheeting now in use) that work their way INTO the paint. Unless you (really) remove these before they start to corrode (rust) you`re in trouble. They are like miniscule "iron splinters", usually too small to see with the naked eye.

On my silver S8, I used both ABC and clay, and I was quite meticulous about it. Overkill? Perhaps, but two years later, no rust spots or other problems. On THAT car (and I`d guess you`re gonna feel the same way about your new Benz), the added time and expense were nothing compared to the cost of the car and how I felt about doing the best I could for it.

07-30-2003, 02:47 PM

What color is your interior and have you made any decisions about care? Would like to know.

I am awaiting delivery of a pewter/ash E500. Pretty much decided on Zaino outside and 303 for dash but still mulling over leather care due to the light color. Don`t know for sure but I am assuming that the leather is coated.

07-30-2003, 03:56 PM
Blue Sun hit it right on the head. Just got my Merc 320 Coupe in white with beatiful dealer installed swirls in the paint. God forbid they wash the car instead of just wiping it down, dirt and all.

07-31-2003, 12:34 AM
A little off-topic. But.... yeah ... :welcome Nebraska 99! :wavey

We do have a St. Louis-area Autopia get-together in the works for Sept. 13. You MUST get there! :up You`ll learn a lot from one of the true Autopia gurus (*cough* BradB *cough*). Check out these threads --

Beginning of the plans: http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=25718

Discussion/poll on when to start the event: http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=26303

More details about the event: http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=26442

07-31-2003, 10:20 AM
Hopefully my CLK 500 will be in by that time so I can attend. For JR my interior is the same as you ordered. Im getting black mats also to break up the ash color. I understand the mats are quite light.?

07-31-2003, 10:24 AM
Im actually across the river at Scott AFB.

07-31-2003, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by Nebraska99

Im actually across the river at Scott AFB.

Must be nice to be so close to civilization. Check my "Location"; I`m in Nowheresville. :(

And, hey! you don`t have to have your new car to come to the event. Just show up, learn, and practice, so you`ll be ready when the new baby arrives.