View Full Version : chenille shedding

07-28-2003, 11:38 PM
I used chenille wash mitt for the first time and it sheds like crazy.

And I was using it with QEW and it was a mess.

Are chenille mitts supposed to shed?

Have you ever used sheepskin mitt with QEW?

07-29-2003, 12:57 AM
I think the quality varies with everything. Some mitts tend to shed, some don`t. Recently there was a favourable review of Meguiar`s sheepskin mitt, and they said there was no shedding. My more generic mitts DO shed. :p

Try washing it out and sloshing it in a bucket a few times and see if that gets all the loose fibers out. Hopefully the shedding will slow down or stop.... if you`re lucky.

imported_CBX Carl
07-29-2003, 06:59 AM
Don`t throw them in the washer !!!!!


During my Pre-Autopian days I made the mistake of thowing a chenille sponge and mitt into the washer...you should have seen it in the wash tub..cotton everywhere. The netting was visible on the sponge as it let most of the cotton go.

I used the chenille mitt once and it still shed all over the weatherstrippng around the windows.


I went to the Turtle Wax / Viking wool mitts next and take care of them properly now. No shedding that I notice and they work well.

07-29-2003, 08:18 AM