View Full Version : chocolate on the paint??

08-26-2004, 08:57 AM
Hey guys, I just came across this site while digging up some info on detailing a few cars for some extra money for my new apartment. I have followed some things off here and the 2 cars I did came out great, but I have a maxima now (2001) black with what seems to be dried chocolate on the outside front panel.. it does not want to come off.. any ideas? thanks for any help.


08-26-2004, 09:08 AM
Is it really chocolate? It might be tar that has dried to a brown `chocolate looking` consistency. You should try a tar and bug remover for a quick fix. You can pick this stuff up at any local parts store.

08-26-2004, 09:22 AM
If it was chocolate I would guiess that any decent car soap would take it off, or dish washing soap. I have to agree with dvsmnstr
it would more like tar., ot something along those lines. I would try a bug&rtar remover to start, if that does not work laquer thinner will but you have to use this at wash stages it quite harsh on paint. Use a small amount in an area then wash off tehn repeat untl done. DO NOT use this on plastic coated parts like trim and mirrors.