View Full Version : Another good reason for Poorboys S&W

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07-25-2003, 09:36 AM
Just pulled my black Audi out into the sun after a wash last night. Last week, I set up my Audi A8 as a test bed, applying Poorboy`s EX and Meguiar`s #26 each to a quarter of my hood prepped with S100 SEC, and on the other side of the hood, Klasse AIO prep, topped with Platinum on one quarter, Klasse SG on the other. Last night was the first hand wash since the test began.

Well, very light swirls all over the hood. Used 2 buckets, sprayed the lambswool glove with my hose between uses, applied extra soap (Zymol Clear) to the glove to add lubrication, and dried with a microfiber after rinsing with free flowing hose.

I NEVER had this issue when I use Poorboys S&W. Never a swirl, scratch or degradation of the protective layer.

On another note, I was surprised at how well the #26 shed water. All the products looked good, but the #26 just sheeted water off like crazy.

Also, I used Meguiars new Spray Wax to renew the multiple layers of EX over the rest of the car, and it worked exceptionally well also. Not bad stuff. I will need to get some new product from Steve at Poorboys however, to see how the QD+ works, as I have had great luck with the EX and the W&S.

Note to self: Buy the Gallon size of W&S!

Note to Steve: Just how dirty of a car do you feel comfortable using W&S on before you start to worry about it not being appropriate?


07-25-2003, 09:44 AM
Hi Sam,

I too agree that Poorboy`s S&W and EX are two great products from Steve at Poorboy`s. I have had the opportunity to also try his QD+ and it is also a winner. Per Steve`s recommendation, I mixed 50/50 of S&W and QD+ and it really made a great quick detailer spray. ClearKote Quickshine is also my other favorite. Talking about that, I have to put another order in for another gallon of ClearKote Quickshine. :D

S&W alone is good but when in doubt always wash. :xyxthumbs

With Aloha,

Ranney :)

07-25-2003, 09:55 AM
Thanks Sam...it really depends on how careful you are...I have done mud..but it`s a waste of product and many towels....

If you are doing a weekly wash with the Spray and Wipe or more often..then regular road grime and water spots will come off easily. If you are only cleaning once a month on a daily driver..which I highly doubt for any Autopian... then rinse with plain water first, and you can Spray it right on the wet car and dry carefully.

Also a note ...do not ever drag dirt that doesn`t want to wipe away....respray those areas and then use slightly more pressure to loosen then wipe away...

07-25-2003, 10:03 AM
Weekly wash......hah. My wife laughs at me because every night around 11PM or so, whe knows she can find me in the garage.

I only left the car alone for the past week because I purposely wanted to see what the hood would look like after a washing.

By the way, how would you compare the QD+ to Meguirs Spray Wax? Should QD+ be used more like a traditional QD, or more like a Spray Wax to rejuvenate the finish after using W&S?



07-25-2003, 01:27 PM
If the car is dirtier than I care to tackle with just S&W alone, I`ll pressure wash the car at a nearby spray-bay using rinse only, follow it with the spot-free rinse, then dry the car using S&W and multiple MF hand towels (no waffle weave for this task, just terry MF). S&W gets the remaining road film that the pressure washer couldn`t touch. Note: have lots of clean MF towels on hand for this technique . . . it works well, but since you`re basically QDing as you dry, you need to make sure to check the towel frequently and flip to a clean/dry side as needed, and grab a new towel when the current one becomes soiled.


07-25-2003, 01:40 PM
Maybe I am a little crazy, but my concoction of S&W is 50% S&W, 25% QD+, 25% Quikshine.

07-25-2003, 08:31 PM
What is the difference between Spray & Wipe and a Quick Detailer product?

Does mixing Spray and Wipe with a QD work better than using the QD by itself? Please explain.

Mr. Clean
07-25-2003, 10:36 PM

Adding a QD to S&W saves a step. If I`m using S&W straight, I`ll often QD after just to add a bit of gloss and slickness to the finish. As Steve has pointed out in the past, S&W cleans, but adds no shine. This is nice when you want to clean matte black surfaces without adding shine. I have this situation on the door pillars of my F-I-L`s T-Bird. I keep bottles of various solutions of S&W in my kit and one with QD in my trunk. As always kudos to blkZ28conv for introducing me to the concept. And of course thanks to Poorboy himself for providing such a quality product.

07-26-2003, 09:41 AM
Mr. Clean wrote, "Adding a QD to S&W saves a step."

So I guess I need to restate my question:

Why would someone choose Spray and Wipe instead of using a quick detailer product? What kind of circumstances would you choose S&W over your favorite QD product besides the matte black situation? BTW, I have never noticed any shine added when some QD got on some black matte surfaces.

Don`t most QD`s contain cleaners, emulsifiers, and gloss enhancers that allow light cleaning of dust safely without scratching the paint?

I would welcome a comprehensive test by GURU reports on QD type of products.

04-22-2004, 11:39 AM

this is probably if the car is "dirty", not just dusty. in addition QDs vary in their cleaning ability. i believe final inspection by meguiars doesn`t have much in the way of cleaning

04-22-2004, 06:01 PM
I find that Spray and Wipe is much better at breaking down dirt than a QD.

04-22-2004, 06:46 PM
"I find that Spray and Wipe is much better at breaking down dirt than a QD"

In my opinion if you have dirt that needs to "be broken down" then the vehicle really needs to be washed....not QDed.

04-22-2004, 07:28 PM
In a lot of ways it works like QEW, QEW encapsulates the dirt while S&W seems to break it down and dissolve it. I`m pretty comfortable S&W in moderate road dust etc on the car, moreso than I would be with a QD.

04-22-2004, 07:32 PM
I agree, it is very slippery, lots and lots of lubricants.. and the smell is not bad either!

Spray and wipe is kind of in a different category than QD`s IMO.It has no gloss enhancers

04-22-2004, 07:35 PM
I wouldn`t really consider it a QD either.