View Full Version : Clays rub me the wrong way!!! LONG READ!

07-24-2003, 03:12 PM
Yesterday, when going through the mail, I noticed a package the size of a magazine. I opened it up and low and behold, Car Care Specialties sent me their 2003 pricing list/product description/car care tips package. Wow! That was nice of them. First thing I did was flip to the car care tips, to see what they recommend. One of the first things that caught my eye in this section was an article about clay bars.

Bare with me. I`m typing this out so I`m sure there will a few spelling errors.



There have been tremendous amounts of advertising and "hype" about overspray clays. Let us set the record straight. Overspray clays have been around since the 1930`s(No, they are not brand new.) What is new is the marketing of a product for a use other than it was designed.

Overspray clay is plasticine matrix with an abrasive intermixed throughout. It was designed and is still the best product to abrade("grind off") fresh paint overspray from existing paint. This is a classic scenerio of it`s designed usage. A body shop repaints a fender of your car and during the preperation process does not mask off the entire car. A little overspray finds it way onto other areas of your car. This overspray consists of tiny little dots of paint on top of the existing paint. The easiest way to remove this unwanted overspray is the "grind" it off with the clay. Copious amounts of lubricant, such as Meguiars #34 are sprayed on the paint and the clay is hydroplaned across the surface to abrade the little bumps of fresh paint from the existing paint. The body shop person "floats" the clay back and forth across the paint using only lateral pressure, until the resistance ceases, indicating that the unwanted droplets have been ground off.

Many people are touting overspray clay as the new way to "clean" your paint. This is somewhat like washing your face by peeling off the top layer of skin. You will uncover a layer of fresh skin but this may not be the most comfortable nor beneficial experience for your face. Clays smooth the surface of paint by grind off the microscopic high spots of your paint, much like sandpaper smooths a piece of wood. They are the best way to remove paint overspray, tree sap, build up and other impossible to remove surface contaminants. Realize that you are also removing some paint with the contaminants, so usage of a clay should be utilized only after all other more gentle methods of cleaning your paint have failed.

Overspray clay is a double-edged sword. it can be a scratch waiting to happen. it must be used with only a well-lubricated area and must be continually checked for contaminants. If you rub it on areas of the paint that have not been well-lubricated or a piece of grit lodges in the clay, you have made "sandpaper" that wills scratch your paint. The trick to properly using clay is use copious amounts of lubricant and "float" the clay over the surface. The clay works best when it hydroplanes over the paint surface. You must continually refold the clay to expose a fresh clean surface. It contaminates lodge in the clay, simply tear off the section and discard. Once you have ground off all the surface contaminants, wash with a car wash, dry thoroughly, apply a quality polish to add emollient oils into the paint and finally, wax the area.


So what do you guys think about that claying article? Do you agree with it?


07-24-2003, 03:43 PM
Oh wow, you actually typed that all out?? :(


Most people at Autopia disagree with that view.... actually a lot of his views, really.... :rolleyes:


There was another thread talking (bashing?:D) this in more detail, but I can`t find it for the life of me! Must`ve been "zapped" last year in the outage... :(

EDIT: Looks like Blackregal beat me to it whilst searching! :p

07-24-2003, 03:44 PM
:lol :lol :rofl :rofl :lol :lol :rofl :rofl

Like Black Regal said, this article has been discussed and there is even a link to it online.

I hope you built up your typing skills with that endeavor.

Almost everyone here uses clay. I haven`t seen otherwise.

07-24-2003, 03:47 PM
Lol! Darn, I just did a quick search on the CCS website for the article and I didn`t find it. Oh well, I`ll read those threads you linked. Thanks guys!

07-25-2003, 12:17 AM
Haven`t yet read thru those threads that you veterans found. But ... isn`t another tip-off the fact that it`s referring to "overspray clay"? I think everybody here talks about the need to avoid the aggressive clay, and just buy Mother`s or ClayMagic basic clay.

As for this guy`s views vs. my experience, I`ll just say: :LOLOL

07-25-2003, 02:14 AM
Originally posted by Lynn

Haven`t yet read thru those threads that you veterans found. But ... isn`t another tip-off the fact that it`s referring to "overspray clay"? Yes, that`s a good point, but I would bet that he`s just using that term to generically refer to all types of clay (what are they called? Detailing Clay??), which all claim will remove some overspray as well. Besides, his opinion on many products and processes (like this) tend to be on the "timid" side. :D

07-25-2003, 07:38 AM

Sorry, couldnt help myself. I love this one!

07-25-2003, 08:20 AM
:LOLOL :rofl :D :lol