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07-24-2003, 01:02 PM
s100 and 3m perfect-it paste wax.

I like them both. After applying each one I am usually very happy with results.

I`ll use some VM or some cleaner-type polish/glaze, then a layer of Moose Wax and then use either s100 of the 3m perfect-it paste wax to top it off.

Anybody else use the 3m paste wax? (i read the review).

I am not looking to decide between the two, but I always read lots of props for the s100 but never see anything about the perfect-it. :nixweiss

Just wonderin`....

Dom Z

07-24-2003, 01:11 PM
I use both s100 and 3M. It`s apples and oranges. The 3m is more durable but the look of the s100 is superior.

I`d stick with s100 and apply every 5 weeks. Or, you can use the 3M and go about 120 days. But, you`ll be sacrificing a real nice pop in the paint.

It also depends on the color of the paint. Black, Red, dark colors, I`d use s100. Light colors, I`d use the 3M.

07-24-2003, 01:20 PM

That`s what blows me away...the "pop" seems to be as good as the s100. I was real surprised!

Maybe I need to do the old half a hood test...half s100 and half 3m

I have a red car...wax it propbably every two to three weeks.

Dom Z

07-24-2003, 01:36 PM
You do not need apply 3M every 3 weeks! Plus, I don`t know how well it layers.

A good, quality, durable wax that layers nice is Blitz.

I`d stick with the s100 if you`re going to wax once a month. It`s easy as pie to apply and remove and the jar should last you quite a while. The 3M is a pain to remove.

Here`s a tip. I don`t know what you apply under the wax as a surface prep, but try Mothers Sealant Glaze just before the wax. I do that if I use the 3M and the results are nice. Plus you can layer this glaze over wax. Just an idea. It`s cheap and easy to get. Easy as pie to apply and remove.

07-25-2003, 11:18 AM
Thanks Spilchy! I`ll try it.

Anybody else have any thoughts on the 3m perfect-it paste wax?

07-25-2003, 12:18 PM
I use the 3M paste wax on Accumulatorette`s silver A8. It looks EXACTLY how she wants it to (as a topper for the now-discontinued :( Pinnacle Creme Glaz) and it lasts a LONG time. Every few months I just lay on another coat. Last coat was in April (I think, maybe May); after I washed it last night it just SHIMMERED. We both stood there admiring it this morning. Last MAJOR detail was nearly a YEAR ago! Nothing but clay and occasional coats of the 3M since. Well, I spot-clay with every wash and I do QD it after most washes.

FWIW, the car is garaged nightly, but she DOES use it for long roadtrips where it doesn`t get washed for a couple weeks (of hard use) at a time.

07-25-2003, 01:56 PM
I get 120 days parked outside with the 3M. I spritz some QD into the can of wax and massage it with the applicator. It helps put down a thin coat. If not, it`s a pain to get on the applicator to apply.

I still like Blitz better, but 3M is a solid player for many people.

07-25-2003, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by Spilchy

...I spritz some QD into the can of wax and massage it with the applicator. It helps put down a thin coat. If not, it`s a pain to get on the applicator to apply...

Oh yeah, I forgot that the 3M is a HARD wax in the can! I never had a problem with it, but the first time you open it you think you got some that`s all dried out. Scraping it out and then spreading it on the pad with a plastic razor blade (I usually apply it by PC) seems to make this a non-issue (I don`t worry about some clumps on the pad). There`s always enough left on the pad after PCing for the hard-to-get-to places.