View Full Version : I have s100 SEC and s100 wax. Should i use a sealant?

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07-19-2003, 10:22 AM
I planed on detailing my car soon but am going to wait untill my pakshak MF towels get here. In the mean time i was wondering if i should use a sealant after the SEC? If so what would you suggest with the products i`m useing?

07-19-2003, 10:25 AM
From what I know, sealants (whatever product that is) will have problems bonding on top of a waxed paint surface. Use a sealant first then top with any wax you desire.

07-19-2003, 10:28 AM
A sealent must go below a wax. A sealent below your wax will give you much longer protection than wax alone.

07-19-2003, 10:49 AM
Sorry i should have made it clearer. I planned on using the SEC then possibly a sealant then the wax. Would the sealant have a problem bonding to the SEC?

07-19-2003, 12:10 PM
i think that sepc does include petroluem distillates (i.e. oil), therefore the sealant would not bond to the surface.

07-19-2003, 03:15 PM
It depends on which sealant you`re talking about. Use one with some cleaners in it (like #20) and there`d be no problem. Likewise, using a system (including their prep cleaners) like Klasse, BF, etc. then that wouldn`t be a problem either. It`s only cleanerless systems like Zaino that would require some more attention.

07-23-2003, 08:21 PM
So when i use the SEC i can`t use a sealant on top of that because of the oils in the SEC? If u used a sealant with cleaners woudln`t that kinda negate the use of the SEC?

07-24-2003, 01:33 AM
Originally posted by Mantic6t9

So when i use the SEC i can`t use a sealant on top of that because of the oils in the SEC? If u used a sealant with cleaners woudln`t that kinda negate the use of the SEC? Well, if past posts are accurate, products like GEPC/SEC not only add oils, but act as an extra fine final polish as well. I`ve read a few times where people have used GEPC and then AIO (try a search for this combo) and they swear it`s still better. It may also be the case that things like AIO don`t remove 100% of the fillers, but that`s just pure speculation.

07-24-2003, 01:44 AM
Originally posted by 4DSC

Well, if past posts are accurate, products like GEPC/SEC not only add oils, but act as an extra fine final polish as well. I`ve read a few times where people have used GEPC and then AIO (try a search for this combo) and they swear it`s still better. It may also be the case that things like AIO don`t remove 100% of the fillers, but that`s just pure speculation.

Are you saying the SEC may be better or the AIO and GEPC?

07-24-2003, 03:23 AM
Originally posted by Mantic6t9

Are you saying the SEC may be better or the AIO and GEPC? Huh? :confused: SEC = GEPC. Some people have tried applying AIO after GEPC in what I`m talking about above.

07-24-2003, 06:53 PM
Ok well i`m planning on putting the SEC and s100 wax to my m3 tomorrow. I hope it turns out great.

07-25-2003, 01:24 AM
Good luck! That`s supposed to be a nice combo. :)

07-25-2003, 07:53 PM
Well i went to work this morning on what appeared to be a nice day. Then about an hour before i go off it started to rain:down . I was really looking forward to getting the car detailed but i guess i`ll have to wait.

I`m still a little fuzzy on the sealant. If i have to use a sealant with cleaners to bond on top of the SEC should i even use the SEC?

07-25-2003, 08:21 PM
I think there may be some confusion here. When we are talking about sealants we mean Zaino and products like that. They are not waxes, they bond to the paint and provide a very durable coat.

If you are planning to put S100 over your SEC that is fine, S100 is a carnuba wax which is not a sealant by the definition used on this site.

As far as if you should use SEC before a sealant that`s a different story. I would say probably not. SEC is a very mild polish with filling properties. It depends what you are looking to do. If you are looking to remove swirls then in my opinion SEC is not aggresive enough you might want to move to something a little more aggresive 3M SMR for instance. But for any polish that has the ability to "hide" swirls you may have bonding problems with a sealant.

Most people like to do a Dawn wash to remove all fillers and oils befor starting to apply a sealant.

07-25-2003, 08:53 PM
I know what a sealant is i was just a little unsure about it being able to bond after the SEC. I don`t have a PC and have heard that applying SMR by hand isn`t very affective though i wish it were. From what i`ve read it`s not even worth applying without a PC.

One thing i`m worried about is oxidation because my car is red. I understand that a carnuba wax doesn`t offer UV protection. For this reason i would really like to use a sealant. I want do do everything i can to keep the paint from faiding.

At this point i`m going to go ahead and use the SEC and top it with the s100 wax. In the mean time i really want to look into sealants and the prep work needed before it is applied. I am pretty new to all this. On my previouse car all it got was a cleaner wax and GC.

How much more protection does a sealant add to the paint vs. a cleaner and carnuba wax?