View Full Version : Prep trim for AIO

07-18-2003, 02:45 PM
I was reading on this thread (http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=24745&highlight=Trim+AND+Protectant+AND+Plastic) and others that people are using Klasse AIO and SG on exterior trim with good results.

I am interested in trying that out this weekend, because Mother`s B2B runs in the rain, dosen`t last too long, etc. The problem is that I just treated everything yesterday. Should I scrub the trim with Dawn or shampoo, or is the AIO abrasive enough to remove the B2B? Don`t really want to wash if I don`t have to.


07-18-2003, 03:05 PM
I would use alcohol or a glass cleaner with a lot of ether or alcohol to clean the B2B off and then AIO. AIO has some pretty good cleaners in it, but I wonder if the freshly applied B2B might overwhelm it.

07-18-2003, 05:36 PM
What 2wheelsx2 said :xyxthumbs I`d work pretty hard to get the trim as clean as you can BEFORE using the AIO. If you have a life ;) maybe just wait until the vehicle really needs washed. After the next rain you`d want to clean it up anyhow since the B2B will run, etc. I agree that a full wash just to try something on your trim sounds a little unreasonable. Oh, are we SUPPOSED to be unreasonable about detailing? Sorry, I keep forgetting :o

07-18-2003, 10:05 PM
Originally posted by Accumulator

... Oh, are we SUPPOSED to be unreasonable about detailing?

Har! :D

We are having some kind of monsoon at the moment, with all kinds of crap coming out of the trees, so tomorrow, thorough wash it is!

07-19-2003, 10:04 AM
I have tried Klasse AIO on my trims.. works OK but I like 303 Aerospace Protectant a lot better... It weill give you that shine plus UV protection for your rubber trims.

07-19-2003, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by jaim

I have tried Klasse AIO on my trims.. works OK but I like 303 Aerospace Protectant a lot better... It weill give you that shine plus UV protection for your rubber trims.

Yep, this is a real case of "to each their own". Actually, I sorta like BF/PUPP on trim the best, but on vehicles I SG I just do that. I`m sure not gonna knock people who choose to stick with the ERV dressing route, especially 303!

07-20-2003, 01:18 AM
Interesting comments about the 303 ... I had tried some on my plastic fender flares earlier, and it seemed to be very subtle and short-lived.

But as I was going to wash today, when I saw that the recent B2B application had held up pretty well, I decided to go over it with 303 to add some UV protection. It looks real nice right now, but I will be interested to see how long this combo lasts.

I am still intrigued by the thought of being able to do body and trim at the same time with AIO+SG or BF ...