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07-18-2003, 11:12 AM
My current MF Towels are the Viper Detailing Towels (3 for $14.95) from CMA. I am currenly looking for a thicker and denser MF Towel to be used for drying, QD-ing and Glass Cleaning.

Based from the product descriptions I have read from different online detailing stores, the MF Towels which seems thicker and denser than my Viper Detailing MF Towels are the following;

> Magic Towel from CMA

> Miracle Towel from **************** / ********.net

Anyone here have used both type of towels above. Which brand of MF Towel can be used as drying, QD-ing and Glass Cleaning among the two products.

Also, I am still thingking if I should buy the Viper MF Glass Cleaning Towel or the Cobra MF Glass Cleaning Towel. Based from the product descriptions of both Magic and Miracle, they can also be used as Glass Cleaning Towels.

I was thinking of buying 6 Pcs of Magic or Miracle Towel and 6 pcs of Viper or Cobra Glass Cleaning Towel. If the Magic or Miracle is better or at par on how viper and Cobra Cleans Glass then I will opt to get 12 pcs of the Magic or Miracle Towel instead.

Hope you can give advise because it will really be expensive on my part to be trying each and every MF Towel available in the USA Market and having them shipped here in the Philippines. Mind you, in some cases, shipping cost to the Philippines is even expensive than the actual product being shipped.

07-18-2003, 11:47 AM
I suggest you take a look at Ranney`s micropak towels.

I got mine the other day and they are very plush and very soft. Another great thing about them is that they have no tags to remove.

His waffle weave feel very nice and very soft.

I was also able to get some yellow microfiber towels from Costco. about $9 per pack of 12. Not as plush as the PakShaks but much much better than the JML stuff we get there in the Phils.


07-18-2003, 12:01 PM
Kababayan :wavey

I am already in the process of ordering some MF Towels from Pakshak. Ranney and I are in the process of finding means to reduce shipping cost. At this point, we are down to $9.00 international shipping cost. for a good number of MFs :)

Ranney`s service is really very very very good. I like to deal with this guy.:up

If things work out in having lower international shipping cost then Pakshak MF Towels will be easily accessible here in the Philippines. :bounce

07-18-2003, 12:13 PM
Kababayan :wavey

Thanks for the TIP Re: MF Towels from Cosco at $9.00. I think I will ask a relative to buy some for me as I am still loading my Balikbayan Box in San Fancisco.

By the way, I got your PM to me. Thanks for the offer on your Balikbayan Box. My own Balikbayan Box will be leaving almost the same time as yours so I guess I will course the other products on my Balikbayan Box.


Do not go back here in the Philippines without buying 303 Aerospace Protectant. I am now using the product and it works great. Expensive 32oz at $22.95 but its worth it! :up

07-18-2003, 12:17 PM
I`ll send you a photo of the yellow MFs from costco. I got mine from the Sunnyvale branch along Lawrence Expressway. Some other Costcos might not have them.

I got 3 dozens... hehehehe

07-18-2003, 02:29 PM
Originally posted by jaim

Based from the product descriptions I have read from different online detailing stores, the MF Towels which seems thicker and denser than my Viper Detailing MF Towels are the following;

> Magic Towel from CMA

> Miracle Towel from **************** / ********.net

I`m a solid fan of the Magic Towel from CMA. I find it to be extremely plush and soft. The other towel that you (atttempt) to mention I don`t think is quite as plush.

Nothing against Ranney`s towels, but from the descriptions of others and the photos on his site, they sound/appear to be the same level of plushness as the CMA Detailing towel. Some day soon I will be buying from him to find out because he gets so many rave reviews about his products and business.

In regards to the Viper Glass towel, definitely get a couple. I find them indespensible for all kinds of uses on glass and plastic (use a VERY light touch here) and leave a very minute amount of liquid behind to dry crystal clear. I tried the Magic Towel for windows and found that it`s not as good on this task.

For the sublime soft towel, you can try the Autopia Concours buffing towel. It looks incredible and I`m sure performs quite well.

I`ve been very happy with my collection of towels from CMA. Their prices may be a little higher than other places, but the quality is superb.

show car
07-18-2003, 03:48 PM
You should try the towels on


VERY NICE and the price is right!

07-18-2003, 05:17 PM
Jaim- A few of my Viper glass towels leave MF lint, very frustrating. The ones that don`t work great.

For drying, get some good waffle-weaves. I can`t dry anything (except glass, and even then only with glass cleaner, not water) completely with "regular" MF`s, although others do :nixweiss

07-18-2003, 07:28 PM
try some of the Pakshak MF towels. His regular MF and waffle weaves are awesome....:xyxthumbs

07-18-2003, 08:16 PM
Currently use Pakshak MF towels, both regular and Waffel, which I love this waffel along with my CWB.

I just stumbled on these DFTowel(s), a natural MF very similar to Autopia`s CBT`s. Very soft! Great for QD.

I still use Pakshak for remove and some QD.

Can never have enough towels!



07-18-2003, 09:28 PM

Thanks for your valuable input however, I would like to know if you have seen the Miracle Towel when you said that it is not as plush / thick as the Magic Towel of CMA?

Magic Towel Cost about $19.95 for 2 while the Miracle Towel cost about $45.00 for 6 pcs so there is a big price difference. I was planning to order 1 for each to personally see the sample but I do not think they will be willing to ship internationaly for just 1 pc. moreso, shipping cost will hit me thus, i am really being definative on this inquiry.


You said that some of your Viper Towels do not work as well as the other Viper Towels that you have. Does it mean that some Viper Towels have deffects on it. Have you verified that the supposed deffective towels were not contaminated by any product that you have used on the towel for it to be ineffective.


My goodness, MF Towels are really a fortune to have. If I will buy

6 Pakshak Towels, 6 Magic Towels, 6 Viper Towels the cost will alreay equal to 1 month salary of a rank-and-file employee here in our country

07-18-2003, 09:47 PM
Jaim, if the viper towels are around $10 then you`re telling me that the regular person there makes $150 a month? Sheesh. How many can I hire?

For my purposes I like the towels from raney because they`re about half the money.

But tonight was the first night that i used his big waffel towel as a drying towel. I didn`t have to wring it out once! It was amazing@! and doesn`t have that "grabby, sticky" feel like the fake chamios do.

07-18-2003, 10:14 PM


Yup! rank-and-file employees here earn about $150 per month or as low as $100 a month.

A lot of American Based Call Center Companies in the USA have set-up their telephone and online customer support services here because of cheap labor.

The Philippines has been a choice by these companies because English is a second language to us and we are the most westernized culture in Asia. In case you did not know, Americans stayed in our country from 1899 to 1945... Our grandparents choosed sometime in 1935 for independence had they not voted for independence we could have been one of the states of the United States...DANG!!! We should have been part of the United States so getting VISA will not longer a problem for us.

So if you will be visiting our country, you will find almost all the popular things that you can find in the USA here (Food, TV Shows, Magazines... name it we have it hear.) Not to mentioned, you will love the hospitality of the Filipino People. It`s truly an expereince. As our current Department of Tourism Slogan says.. More than the usual visit wowphilippines.com.ph

07-18-2003, 10:55 PM
jaim -

I guess my confusion may have made me misunderstand your original question. CMA originally called their towel the Miracle Towel, but they found that this name was already trademarked to Turtle Wax. So as to avoid any confusion (and costly lawyers!!) they changed the name to Magic Towel. I thought that you were meaning the same towel under different names.

I believe that Cobra is still branding their towel under the Miracle Towel name, for whatever reason. That was the one to which I was referring.

Sorry for the confusion.

In the short of it, I was simply trying to say that based on visual appearances of the other towels, the CMA (now named) Magic towel is the plushest that I have seen.

Thanks for the interesting information on the Philippines. as a prototypical American, I have to say that I didn`t know.

07-18-2003, 11:12 PM

Currently, CMA`S MF Towels are called "Magic Towel" while the competitor from a u t o g e e k . n e t call their MF Towel as "Miracle Towel".

So based on what you have physically seen (not from pictures) as I assumed, the CMA MF Towels called "Magic Towel" is thicker and denser than the "Miracle Towel" of the competitor.

Please confirm.

Hope others here can also provide me more comparative feedback from the two (2) MF Towels mentioned above.