View Full Version : blackfire and collinite questions

07-17-2003, 08:07 AM
Ok I have some questions I am hoping someone can help out with:

1. Are there any advantages to putting multiple layers of blackfire on like there is with zaino? If so, how many layers should it be before I hit a point of diminishing returns?

2. I was thinking of putting collinite on as well as souveran or s100. My thinking is to put collinite on top since it can stand up to the elements and car washings better. On the other hand, it might not be as clear as if I put it on first and followed with another wax (versus putting the s100 or sourveran on and following with collinite). Any suggestions?

3. I know this is subjective but which looks better...Klasse SG or Blackfire?

07-17-2003, 09:38 AM
I am currently using Klasse SG and have not tried Blackfire. I am now on my 8th coating / application of Klasse SG.

As far as my experience is concern with Klasse SG... I am still not convinced to switch to Zaino nor any other form of polymer / sealant product like Blackfire.

What I like about Klasse AIO and SG is the feel of the paint surface. It is very much different from zaino. You can really feel "that something" (Klasse SG) is on top of your paint surface. Therefore, it bonds and thickens.

As I am now on my 8th coating of Klasse SG. I can feel the difference on some parts (like crevices) whcih only have about 1 to 2 coatings. The portion that has 8 coatings really feels thicker than the crevices which have less. I can then conclude that Klasse SG can be layered and the layers truly get thicker.

From my observations, Klasse AIO and SG seems to look more of a carnauba finish and physical touch than Zaino.

I recently purchased Blackfire Tire Gel based on the product description that I read from CMA. It turned out the product did not match what was described thus, I am now careful of buying Blackfire product as it probably just a hipe.

07-17-2003, 11:01 AM
phareous- Multiple layers of BF (beyond two, never stopped at one) don`t LOOK that much better, but they DO seem to improve the durability. It SEEMS to layer. IMO (and I`ve only used them on silver) BF looks a LOT better than SG (save the flames, I use SG on two of our vehicles and I like it a lot). BF looks like a carnauba, while SG looks like, well, SG.

I don`t know what to tell you on the Collinite/other wax layering. Like you, I see pros/cons to both approaches. I THINK I`d put the Collinite on first because of its durability, which I think might also equate to STABility when other waxes (with their solvents) are applied. Also, I THINK that P21S would better accent the Collinite, what with its (p21S`) "brighter" look. Souveran is, IMO, better for depth, which might be offset/attenuated by the Collinite base.

07-17-2003, 03:58 PM
Layering Blackfire can`t hurt. Two layers definitely look good. But it`s pretty easy to use and super slick, so just keep putting it on as long as you want.

I use Souveran over BF, and I think it looks better. Sort of deeper. But maybe a fresh coat of BF would look like that too. Who`s to say. I just slapped some Souveran on the car the other day. It looks great, but it looked great before. I mainly just felt a need to use some Souveran.

I like Blackfire more than the SG I have. JMO, though.

07-17-2003, 06:04 PM
I had a car that I used the original blackfire x 2 with collinite and then S100 every 3-4 weeks. I really liked the look and stuck with it until I got rid of that car......it was a dark green emerald.

I also use SG on my wife`s white car and love the way it looks and feels.

You are right about it being a subjective decision. Personally I like BF on dark colored cars and SG on light colored cars. However, I am currently using EX and like it but have not had time to evaluate it over the long term. If you like the Klasse look, it is pretty easy to use (just use the damp and dry 2 MF towel technique for SG removal) and is hard to beat for longevity.