View Full Version : Should I use FI-II on my whole car?

Estoril ///M
07-16-2003, 04:51 PM
Sorry I don`t have pic, but my car is a very light metallic blue color, and because of that the swirls aren`t as easy to see as on a car with a different color. They`re still there though. I`m wondering if its ok to use FI-II over the whole car, not just a spot here and there. I know its always best to start off with "the least abraisive product", but I just want to get rid of the swirls not try 4 different products to see which one finally gets rid of them.

I`m thinking of going over the car with FI-II, then Meguiars #9 2.0, then with GEPC, and then of course wax the car. Is this overkill? I know its kind of hard to tell without any pictures, but the swirls aren`t that bad. Then again they`re probably not bad because they don`t seem to be because of the color.

I`m just worried that if I just start off with the Meguiars #9, it will remove a small amount of the swirls and fill a lot of them in, only for them to come back.

07-16-2003, 05:52 PM
I agree completely about not starting off with something as light as #9. Your plan looks pretty good. I say go for it. FI-II is not that agressive in the big scheme of things especially if you plan on taking good care of it afterward.

07-17-2003, 11:26 AM
Yeah, what stanger99 said. I wouldn`t make a habit of using FI-II, but it`s not too aggressive for infrequent use. If I can clearly see problems, then I use something stronger than #9.

07-17-2003, 12:51 PM
I was in the same boat last year. If you know the swirls are everywhere, I`d at least do a section with the #9 and see how it does. Use that to decide what the rest of the car needs. I ended up FI`ing the whole car and then SMR. This year, I just SMR`d.

Estoril ///M
07-18-2003, 01:23 AM
Yeah, I think I might as well just go with FI-II. I`ll also try the #9 and see how it does by itself.