View Full Version : Micro-scratches and washing

07-16-2003, 04:44 PM
Let me see if I have this somewhat straight in my head .When I joined this forum I thought no more scrstches or micro-marring cause I know what to do from all the good info on this site.Two sometimes three bucket method using a good carwash soap (Goldclass,Pinnacle,Clearkote) washing the MF`s (PAKSHAK and JT Int)in All Free detergent never use the ones from the lower parts on the upper and well you guys know what I mean just being carefull what comes in contact with the paint!!. Besides my vehicles never get abused.Yeah I can take out the PC and remove all the micro marring but I thought I was doing all the right things to prevent this in the first place.I have heard a suggestion that using the CCD to remove the dust and then QD with a MF in one direction turning every time is the way to go basically less washing and drying that has to be where my scratches are coming from.Don`t get me wrong most people don`t have a clue there is anything wrong with the paint everyone that sees the vehicles comment how great they look.Any suggestions for minimizing the scratches and is there others out there like me?

07-16-2003, 06:28 PM
i think exactly the way you do, but in daily driving, swirls and scratches happen no matter what. Lets face it, daily driven cars aren`t show cars, they dont` sit around all day. Still, we strive for perfection, and again, getting most if not all swirls and scratches out makes it a worthwhile detail.

07-16-2003, 09:00 PM
I don`t dust or QD anymore when the car has been driven. The only time I QD is after a wash or after wax for settling a wax. I am just too paranoid.

I also think swirls to us are not even noticable to others, yet we see them. I have just learned to live with our "swirls" until the next time I have to do a full detail.

07-16-2003, 09:45 PM
I concur with everything stated above!

Some small scratches might also be caused while driving at high speeds. Those small rocks on the street may hit any part of your autobody panel while driving that causes the scratches.

My current method of protecting my paint surface more specifically my clear coat is coating it with something that layers (Klasse SG) on top of the paint surface... hoping that minor swirls and scratches will be on that layer and not on my clear coat.

Currently, I have 8 coats of Klasse SG and can see minor scratches but do not have swirlmarks. I have not stripped / removed my Klasse SG coating ever since I applied them thus, I have not confirmed if my minor scratches are just on top of my Klasse SG or already on my clar coat. I plan to strip my Klasse at the end of the year to validate.

07-17-2003, 11:20 AM
Originally posted by ebpcivicsi

I don`t dust or QD anymore when the car has been driven. The only time I QD is after a wash or after wax for settling a wax. I am just too paranoid.

Same here. My S8 currently has NO swirls. Yeah, it`s silver, but I look under very harsh halogen lighting and with magnification. It`s all a matter of washing it VERY VERY carefully (takes me over 3 hours even when I hurry) and fairly infrequently (only when it needs it, but I don`t wait when it does). That`s the only time I touch the paint. I *THINK* my multiple layers of BF have provided a "sacrificial layer" like what Jaim`s talking about. I`m gonna redo the car soon with PUPP, we`ll see what it`s (really) like then.

High speed operation (heh heh, oh yes indeed) hasn`t caused any scratches. I have a few stone chips, but no scratches.

EDIT: Almost forgot. The last time I redid our MPV (family dog-car, NOT pampered by any means!) I noticed that IT didn`t have any swirls! I credit the many layers of SG.

07-17-2003, 09:38 PM
3 hours to wash your car, even while your hurrying? That`s rediculous...

07-17-2003, 09:47 PM
Originally posted by KCPreki11

3 hours to wash your car, even while your hurrying? That`s rediculous...

Not so fast there, KCPreki11. Plenty of us spend that amount of time on a methodical wash job. The pro`s do it much faster. But if you`re an amateur, at-home washer, attending to every detail, it can take much longer. My times are very much like Accumulator`s. But what do I know? All I did was win a Jaguar National Championship last year. I`ve spent time with other guru`s who do it much faster (*cough* BradB *cough), but I have yet to master the Art of the Fast Wash. That`s still no reason to bash people who take their sweet time on their sweet rides.

07-17-2003, 09:51 PM
I`m make a living doing this, and I guess that makes me a pro, and it takes me 1.5 hours to really wash a car.

But, the car is clean, with a neutral ph, spotless wheels/wells, and a (95%) clean engine.

You`re quicker?


07-18-2003, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by KCPreki11

3 hours to wash your car, even while your hurrying? That`s rediculous...

Taking this in the friendly, Autopian spirit of genuine inquiry, in which I`m certain it was intended- Examples of *WHY* (this stuff is for EVERY wash):

First (at least) vacuum the interior.

A8/S8`s require minor disassembly of underhood cladding to properly clean/dry inaccessible areas (which requires many different swabs and brushes). Cleaning behind brake/hydraulic lines, etc. takes some time and the hinges and hood release cable often need to be relubed afterwards (using a pinpoint dispenser in some cases).

Each wheelwell takes at least several minutes to clean using a variety of swabs and brushes, that`s after I raise it up with a pair of floor jacks and ditto (in a BIG way) for the entire undercarriage (I clean it EVERY time).

Cleaning the back of the wheels takes time and the car has to be moved more than once to thoroughly clean the calipers. Calipers, brakelines etc. take a while and again the car has to be moved, unless I pull the wheels which takes MORE time.

The rubber channels at the bottom of the doors never come clean without several passes with brushes and swabs.

After cleaning the doorjambs to my satisfaction (more time with swabs and brushes) I often need to relube the hinges and latches.

Cleaning the paintwork (basically the whole exterior) on *THIS* car: rinse; using other hose, put bend-to-flow nozzle on and put chenille mitt over nozzle. Dunk mitt in wash solution. Do small area while allowing some water to flow through soapy mitt. Reverse-rinse mitt. Repeat until panel appears clean. Rinse and inspect both car and mitt. Repeat as needed, spot-claying as needed. Dry using "perfect drying technique". Dry underhood, doorjambs, trunk jamb, portions of wheelwells, visible portions of undercarriage. Blow out crevices, etc. with (double filtered) air. QD vehicle and treat tires if needed. Clean glass.

Result: two years, NO swirls. It`s no showcar, but it`s clean enough for my "good driver".

Doing Accumulatorette`s A8 takes about an hour less, as I clean it with boar`s hair brushes instead of the mitt-on-hose, I don`t worry QUITE as much about the out-of-sight areas, and I dry it with a "less than perfect drying technique" :o.