View Full Version : hail damage

07-15-2003, 03:25 PM
Ok, here`s the deal. My truck has over 3000$ worth of hail damage on it. The insurance company already cut me a check, but i decided to use the money for graduate school. Furthremore they want to just give me a new hood and cut my roof off and wield another on. I don`t like the idea of cutting my roof off (structural integerity) and the hood paint probably wouldn`t match anyhow.

So my question is this. Are any of you aware of a way to pop the hail damaged area`s out?



07-15-2003, 05:57 PM
Sounds like a job for a good PDR technician - but if its really bad even this may not work

07-15-2003, 06:08 PM
Their is no creasing, just a lot of dents. What does a pdr usualy cost?

07-16-2003, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by Krafcik

Their is no creasing, just a lot of dents. What does a pdr usualy cost?

How much it costs is hard to say - depends on how bad the dents are, how expert the technican is etc. Use the search function to see some other threads on PDR like this one


It won`t be cheap, but if you want it to look like it never happened then you are going to have to pay an expert somewhere along the line. If you get a cheap job done, it will look like a cheap job. Whatever you choose try to get some alternative quotes and make sure you are very happy with the quality of their work before they start on your truck!