View Full Version : i hate black IS300s

07-14-2003, 10:44 AM
My Mitsu-SUV-green-kitchen-sponge-scratch detail got delayed until next weekend, so I did a black IS300 this weekend. It just plain sucked. :(

Yes, there is NO clearcoat. My yellow pad turned grey and I freaked out, "crap, I`m rubbing dirt into the paint". Put on a brand new white pad and it turned black.....ahhhhh, it`s just the stupid paint. Regardless, the condition of the exterior was total crap. Windshield had something baked onto it. The hood was and still is a mess. I don`t think any amount of washing (and definitely not claying) would have done any good.

I took some pics, but they don`t show how crappy of a job I did. Only had ~3 hrs to do a wash, interior clean & conditioning, polish and wax. Plus I was moving the car every so often to avoid the sun. My MW was baking onto the paint whenever I accidentally hit a hot spot, doh.

This is my first "arrrrggggh" detail ever out of 13-15 cars. Any advice? I want to clean up this customer`s hood pronto. btw, are there supposed to be white flakes in the paint for the black IS300s?

07-14-2003, 08:04 PM
I honestly like detailing cars without a clearcoat. You can make a big difference in the paint as opposed to those white cars with clearcoats that don`t yield much. You didn`t really go into much detail about what went wrong, so therefore its hard to give advice. You didn`t mention any products you were using, but I would suggest that you not charge for the detail if you really feel that you did a poor job.

07-15-2003, 09:57 AM
Agreed. It`s a detailing fundraiser for my church, so asking for the donation back isn`t really an option. I did email the customer that I wanted to redo parts of the car (free of charge) though.

What I used:

wash: meg`s GC

polish: vanilla moose (I incorrectly wrote MW) w yellow pad

wax: s100

QD: showtime

Interior: woolite/water mix & lexol conditioner


1) Sun was out, so the VM was baking on occasionally. I had to move the car several times to avoid the sun.

2) Time. Only had 3 hrs, from 9am to noon.

3) The hood. I may clay to see if I can get a smoother surface, but I`m not expecting much. Surface was not super slick after the VM, s100, and showtime.

4) Windshield. There is some glue/gunk that is reaaallllly stuck on there. This 2nd time around I may try my alcohol/water mix. I don`t think it`s organic.

07-16-2003, 07:26 PM
I have some white flakes or specks - whatever you want to call them - in my black paint. I do have a clearcoat however.

I think it is lint from the MF towels, that is all I can think of. Spott claying the spot does get rid of the white specks, but they do seem to come back.