View Full Version : Menzerna IP and Waterspots still present-Help Please

07-14-2003, 09:53 AM

After 10 hours of paint prepereration and my first efforts with my PC, my biggest nemesis is still staring me down. I still have waterspots present under certain lighting conditions. I have a 2001 Pathfinder with dark green paint that I have tried to take pretty good care of since bought new. Here is the regiment I have tried so fare:

1. Wash

2. Clayed

3. Washed again

4. Menzerna IP with Wool pad(after yellow foam did not cut it)

5. Menzerna FP with white pad

6. Z1

7. Z5

Car looks much better but I still have some waterspots on the hood and roof. I have read through several posts having done some research and I am wondering if these could be etched into or (gasp) through the clearcoat.

What do you think I should try next? Something more aggressive and if so what? Should I go back and hit it again with the Menzerna IP and the wool pad or is that not aggresive enough if it did not work the first pass.

I have no problem with this being a process I just want to make sure I am working the right process. Please offer any suggestions that you may have.

Thanks to all in advance.

07-14-2003, 10:02 AM
It`s hard to determine what you need to do for those water spots without pics. Most likely the IP is not aggresive enough. You can continue to use the IP with a couple more passes and see if you are getting anywhere, otherwise get a hold of something like DACP with a yellow pad with the PC on 5/6. You still might need to use it twice.

07-14-2003, 11:15 AM
Be careful with the wool pad. I know, it`s only a PC, but while your attention is focused on bearing down on your nemesis, you can lose track of what the rest of your pad is doing, especially with an agressive polish/compound. I`d prefer thomasfl`s suggestion of using a heftier compound with the the yellow foam pad.

I have waterspots on the roof of my Explorer which I can`t remove with DACP on 6 with a yellow pad. I haven`t quite given up on them, but it`s going to take something pretty hefty to get rid of them with a PC.

07-14-2003, 06:50 PM
I also had 2 water spots etched into the paint of my hood, and try as I may, I just couldn`t get them out my first go-round. I decided that I had enough compounding for one day, finished up the detail and resigned myself to the thought that they were there for good. But you know what? After about 6 months of care and work here and there, they went away. So, I guess the moral of my story is that you might not get them the first day you try, but take good care of your car and I think you`ll find that their presence will be less evident each day. Slow and steady wins the race, and detailing is no different.