View Full Version : Meg`s GC shampoo????

07-12-2003, 11:05 AM
I bought a gallon of Megs GC shampoo about a month and half ago. Well im half way into the bottle and it changed color. There is clumps of stuff floating in it. It still suds good but wondering if i should stop using it. I keep it in the garage so it`s not sitting in direct sunlight, but it is in the heat. Have any of you had this happen?

Thanks for any info.

07-12-2003, 11:47 AM
I haven`t had this happen to me. The heat most likely is the culprit. I don`t store any product in a environment that doesn`t have A/C.

Maybe Mike Phillips can comment?

My Gold Class is a dark orange that is almost like a thin gel and is the same consistancy throughout. I had it for 2 years.


07-12-2003, 12:30 PM
My Gold Class is a dark orange that is almost like a thin gel

Same with mine. I have had it for like 6 mons with no probs. I store it in my basement where it is cool and out of direct sunlight.