View Full Version : Manicure from cleaning PC pads?!

07-10-2003, 02:53 PM
So, all morning, I`ve been looking at my shiny finger nails on my right hand trying to figure out if my wife had pulled a joke on me. My right hand has perfectly smooth and shiny finger nails, while my left hand has standard issue guy finger nails.

I got to thinking of what I`ve done recently that could have caused this, and it could only be from rinsing and scrubbing my orange pads last night! Anyone else clean their pads by rubbing your fingers into them, and do you look like a hair stylist?

Nothing against guys with shiny nails, but this is an unexpected consequence of being an Autopian, what`s next? I already have healthier skin from the leather conditioners and my glasses are Plexus clean. The funny side effects of this sick obsession...


07-10-2003, 03:01 PM
I have a negative side effect...wax dries my hands out really bad.

Blitz is also really wierd because if you get it on your hands it solidifies and stays with you for a day or two. Other waxes I have tried (Ardex, Zymol) don`t seem to stick to my hands that much. I suppose that`s a good sign for what it`s doing on my car though :xyxthumbs

07-10-2003, 03:03 PM
my hands feel softer from the lexol but smell like moose pee. ehhh... it happens.