View Full Version : Carnuba application by hand - literally

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07-09-2003, 04:02 PM
Ok, so I accidentally came across another website that has some detailing info on it, and found this quote about applying carnuba wax -

"The purist auto enthusiast will apply paste wax with their bare hands. It`s said that it gives a sense of feel for any contaminants and also a better feel of the amount that is being applied. "

Anybody here do this? Personally, I put on a rubber glove (kind of like a medical glove - turn your head and cough :eek: ) to keep the wax off my hand, so that when I`m done using the foam applicator, I can pitch the glove and move on to other stuff without having to go into the house to wash up.

Just curious

07-09-2003, 04:26 PM
That is ridiculous! All contaminants that can be felt with your hand should be removed prior to wax application. :doh

07-09-2003, 04:36 PM
let alone how many more contaminants would you put back using your bare hand. jake is also right all contaminants should be removed well before waxing even begins.

07-09-2003, 04:37 PM
Thats the method of application for the Zymol Estate glazes.

As I said before, it gets old quick. Fingers cramp up bad. Arthritis!

I prefer foam applicator pad, and I use my bare hands. My hands are left soft and supple everytime after using my bare hands to work in a leather conditioner and after using Zaino sealants.....

07-09-2003, 04:55 PM
Its true. The high end Zymol waxes actually instruct you to apply it with your bare hands. I tried that with Vintage but it seemed to waste too much product and I really didn`t see what the difference was. It went against my Autopian grain to touch the car that much with my hands. I just used a Meguiar`s yellow foam pad to apply the rest of it. There really was no difference between the areas I used my bare hands and the areas I used the pad. It was a little harder to buff off on the areas I applied it by hand because there was more product there. I really didn`t see the benefit of doing it by hand. I can feel the door dings with my hands through a microfiber when I buff it off. I don`t need to wax up my fingers to feel them.

07-09-2003, 07:58 PM
How is the 1,000 Vintage Wax or Estate Wax cant remeber which one compared to S100 or Souveran. ?

I know this has probley been brought up 1,000,000 times before but its just a quick question to someone that has used both.

07-09-2003, 08:13 PM
You have to keep one thing in mind...

the "hoi polloi" who order the expen$ive Zymol waxe$ do not even touch their cars... they have others detail them for them and the owners get all get all the credit for the car`s apperarance (probably because they came up with the ca$h to begin with!) :rolleyes:

07-09-2003, 08:35 PM
Originally posted by Fr0zen

How is the 1,000 Vintage Wax or Estate Wax cant remeber which one compared to S100 or Souveran. ?

I know this has probley been brought up 1,000,000 times before but its just a quick question to someone that has used both.

There is actually quite a long thread about it somewhere in here. I`ll go look for it. In the end I felt that it looked as good as any of my other waxes but was just to fragile to use on a daily driver. I may be breaking it out again this week just to give it a shot in the summer. It was winter when I used it last and I wasn`t too impressed with how it held up to the elements.

edit: Here it is! (http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=17540) I knew it was out there somewhere. Do a search for "Vintage" posts under my name and there are some good ones out there. The P21S vs Souveran test was my favorite. I need to test P21S against Vintage again sometime soon. After this weekend maybe.

07-09-2003, 10:35 PM
Good point, Jake.

I thought the whole thing was a little silly myself....

07-10-2003, 08:03 AM
Sometimes I think retailers come up with things like this to make us think they have come up with this great new idea. :idea Something that is different from anything you`ve ever heard, that even defies a common sense approach. Sometimes they actually do work but... most of the time, they don`t. You see this type of propaganda a lot on infomercials.

Michael H
07-10-2003, 08:10 AM
The reason why some waxes, with very high levels of carnauba, recommend hand application is because they need the heat of the hands to melt the wax for application. Applying by a foam pad does not produce enough heat. When the wax content gets up over 50% this is common. If you do not have enough heat the wax will not melt and apply properly.

Joe K -- 01 Green
07-10-2003, 09:24 AM
As Michael said Zymol promotes on the basis of temp making the product apply better. I tried some Zymol--tried the hand thing, too--way too messy and bothersome. I was disappointed in the surface when I was done. It was not slippery like a good carnuaba where your fingers just fall off--my son called it "dry"

07-10-2003, 08:58 PM

I`ll admit that I did this for a few years, actually until finding this place. I think I picked it up from Larry, at Proper Auto Care. Since finding this site, I`ve been using Klasse, and decided to top it with my leftover Blitz. After the ease of Klasse, I was reminded of how silly using my hands to apply wax was.

I`m sure when I`m 80 and can`t move my fingers, some doc will remind me of all the time I spent waxing a stupid car by hand! What a boob!


07-10-2003, 09:03 PM
I wonder if applying the wax to a warm surface would negate the need to use your bare hands to apply the wax? I could always park my car in the sun for a few minutes before I pulled it in to wax it.

I can`t say that I noticed that Vintage was too hard. If anything else it was the most melty stuff I`ve ever touched. It definitely didn`t need extra body heat to melt it. It spread just as easily with a foam pad as it did with my fingers.

Michael H
07-11-2003, 02:44 AM
What I do is rub my index finger over the wax and let it melt in the tub. Then I apply it to the foam pad. Overcomes the mess, melts the wax and applies nicely. Waxes with very high carnuaba levels may take 20 seconds to melt, rather than 5-10 seconds. So no big deal. I much prefer to apply with the foam pad.