View Full Version : Ways to store water

08-23-2004, 04:45 AM
Hello all. I posted a thread here (http://www.detailcity.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=6451) introducing myself a little while ago. Anyway I have my first question for you guys.

I get terrible spotting if I don`t take drastic action to avoid it on my personal dark colored vehicles. This usually involves a second person spraying the car while I`m washing it unless it`s after 7:00pm when the sun is down far enough not to dry instantly. I have considered a water softener but have not even looked into the pricing. Not sure how good it would work anyway. But I have another option.

A friend of mine manages a power plant where they use jet engines and steam turbines to generate power. The produce crazy amounts of excess demineralized RO`d water that they have to pay to have hauled off. I don`t have anywhere to store 5000 gallons that the tanker would deliver so I am looking for other options :-p It`s not a very far drive to the plant and I could go get it pretty much anytime I wanted. What would be the most cost effective option as far as a tank and, I guess a pump? I have no idea how many gallons I even use washing my vehicles, so I don`t know how long say 200 gallons or so would last.

I know this seems extreme for a do it yourselfer to go through, but this water sux :mad: I am just amazed when I see his black car washed and rinsed and left out in the sun with no drying and still be spot-free. Kinda makes my ritual seem pointless.


08-23-2004, 04:32 PM
Ah heck man just park the tanker truck on the street in front of your house...im sure the neighbors wont mind.

08-23-2004, 04:56 PM
Sounds like alot of work to go through , something to think about , put a water filter inline with your hose . They also make kits that cost about what your going to spend on a water tank and pump. Check around on some of the sponsers web sites here . I`m sure one of them sells the filter kits. To answer your question 200 gallons should be enough to wash your car 4 or 5 times depending on how wastefull you are .

08-24-2004, 01:31 AM
How about the Mr. clean system, I heard the soap isn`t that good but the filtered water for the rinse is decent. I think its about 20 to 30 bucks depending on your location..good luck

08-24-2004, 02:03 AM
I bought one of those at Ace Hardware for $11 with a 50% off coupon. Haven`t used it, thought about giving it to someone as a gift. I had heard the key to it working properly was the soap :dunno

You gotta remember, after using the RO`d water a couple times, I`m a little spoiled :-p I do admit it`s a bit overkill though

08-24-2004, 10:45 PM
You want a relatively cheap way to store RO water, then try this link http://www.watertanks.com/category/83/
Hope this helps.

08-26-2004, 03:34 AM
Thanks for the link :)