View Full Version : haze on hood after s100

07-08-2003, 06:41 PM
I finally got around to putting on S100 last week on my black car. It looked great! It was so easy too. When it rained, I was excited auctally, I got to see how the water beaded so well.

Being stuck on 95 was no fun when it was raining, but once it let up and traffic let up I was ammazed how it all just blew away in a second, it was real cool.

Anyway I washed it this evening after work, and it was real easy again. However, the hood of the black car looks good, but if you look closer you can see almost a haze that is spotted.

Makes me sad, but it still looks great, just not when you get up close and look at the hood. The rest of the car does not have any problem with a haze or anything, just the hood.

What is it? How can I remove it? I don`t have any advanced tools, all I have is 2 buckets, a hose, aio + sg (i hated sg), used that a few months ago, a wash mit, s100 and a bunch of MF towels from pakshak.

Thanks :wavey

07-08-2003, 09:44 PM
Well it sounds almost as if maybe it was acid rain that ate into your S100/SG. I would try applying another coat of S100, then if that doesn`t work, remove the S100 and SG. Start from scratch.

Other than that, I dunno... :nixweiss

07-09-2003, 06:06 AM
It might be, but it only rained once for maybe 15-20 minutes. If it was acid rain, why would my hood only be affected?

07-09-2003, 07:21 AM
I`ve had this happen too; your hood was probably too warm from the engine. Just reapply the wax or quick detail it. It worked for me.

07-09-2003, 04:08 PM
I usually pop the hood for an hour or two before I wash or do anything to the hood. I belive it wasn`t warm, but maybe some melted off later when I drove it around (it was all buffed off, obviosuly)

The front fenders get warm/hot as well when its running, they are fine.

I`m going to be away this weekend, so I`ll probably try it out next weekend.

I`m gonig to wash (just regular wash), then use AIO, then *maybe* sg, then s100, I might skip the SG, I didn`t put SG on the hood or front fenders , but I did the rest.

07-10-2003, 11:39 PM
This also happened to me while using the s100 on my black car. I think the hood was still a little warm when I applied the s100, though. There was a little haze on the hood, which I buffed off with a towel. Maybe yours was the same.