View Full Version : Garage floor paint?

07-07-2003, 08:40 PM
Can anyone recommend a good paint for garage floors? When we built our house, we used the best Porter Paints had to offer (according to our painter, who is fairly knowledgeable). But within a year it was peeling at the places where the auto tires rested, especially my wife`s big SUV, presumably due to heat and/or pressure.

Griot`s Garage, which seems to have fairly high quality products, offers what they claim is a terrific paint for this purpose, but of course there is no guaranteee, so I am hesitant to try it.

07-07-2003, 09:02 PM

works great and has a life time warranty , if you have any other questions pm me and I`ll answer. I have personal experience with this product and highly recommend it.

C. Charles Hahn
07-07-2003, 09:06 PM
biggest problem you`ll find with u-coat-it is that you aren`t supposed to be able to use it on previously-painted floors. you might look into getting it professionally epoxied, however?

07-07-2003, 09:15 PM
true the previous paint will have to be completly removed first which is going to have to be done no matter what you put down.

07-07-2003, 09:17 PM
When we moved into our new house 11 years ago, I painted our garage floor. All my neighbours were telling me not to do it and that it was going to peal. Little did they know . . . I had a plan!

I actually let the concrete set for about 6 months to make sure it was completely cured. I`m not sure if this was actually necessary but I didn`t want to take any chances.

When I was ready to paint, I cleaned the floor very well and etched the concrete thoroughly with myriatic acid (spelling?). I think I did this twice, the second time was probably not needed, but I wasn`t taking any chances. I rinsed the floor very well and let it dry for a week.

I used Pratt & Lambert two-part epoxy industrial floor paint, tinted grey. I put on one coat with a roller and then did a second coat several days latter.

This floor is now 10 years old and there is no pealing, flaking or wear-through anywhere. I`m in and out of the garage every day and even with the salt, gravel, ice, and cold during what seems like a 10 month winter it has held up. There is 6-inch piece of the garage floor that extends beyond the garage door, which is fully exposed to the elements and even this is still in perfect condition.

It was a little bit of work but nothing about it was difficult and the paint has lasted better than I could have imagined.

07-07-2003, 10:18 PM
We`ve talked a lot about garage floor sealants. Please do a search. There are a few threads in another section of Autopia.