View Full Version : PC vs Rotary

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07-07-2003, 06:58 PM
I`m really debating on on whether to get myself a PC7336 or a Rotary such as a Dewalt or Maikita. I know that the rotaries are very forgiving and my burn thru the paint. But then it does do it work properly when done right. I have seen the rotary in action by a pro today and the result was amazing.

But i have heard so many good things about the PC as well, how would these compare with the Rotaries, Can the PC actually do pretty good cutting on it. I know the PC don`t burn the paint as easily too. What i need is something that can really handle some pretty etched out surface. Mainly to take out swirls, if the PC can do a pretty good job, i might just get one. If not i`m considering a Rotary but just have to find surfaces to practice on.

One note is that i have no experience whatsoever to a machine.

07-07-2003, 07:02 PM
Get the PC.

Rotary buffers are not for newbies. Get the PC, learn how to use it, master it. It`s effective and safe. Then, you can think about a rotary down the road.

MBZ 500E
07-07-2003, 07:45 PM
I`ve used both types and in all honesty unless your planning to start a business the rotary will only be helpful initially. You can`t really use a rotary to apply wax and glazes, if you do you will have to be very careful not to burn the paint. A PC can do the initial work and you can safely continue to use it after your paint looks good.

07-07-2003, 07:51 PM
i geot a pc 16 months ago..it was great in the beginign b/c i was learing only doing a few cars. mostly mine. but as more and more friends wantd their cars done it has forced my to consider adding a rotary to my tool box. not that the pc cant do most jobs i enconter but , im tired of doing dacp or FI2 and swirl free polish and it taking 3.5 to5 hours

07-07-2003, 08:29 PM
I`m with Showroom on this. I wanted to buy the rotary at first but opted for the PC. You really have to develop an expertise (experience) on the milder machine before progressing to the more aggressive rotary. After 2 months of practice? I think I have the hang of it. The PC is eliminating at worst about 90-95% swirls. Yeah. It is taking time (2-4 hours) with a PC to run PG, IP and FP onto paint, but it is SAFE. Next year I may consider the rotary. If you are in business go with the rotary. Otherwise buy the PC. You will be very happy with its results. My friends are always asking me what kind of wax am I using. If they only knew.

07-07-2003, 10:37 PM
Well, it`s all been said pretty well here. :up

I`ll just summarize :D

PC: takes longer but is safe and easy to use. Great for the hobbyist or occasional detailer.

Rotary: faster, but riskier and harder to learn. Best for high volume detailers where time is money.


Tim Lingor
07-07-2003, 10:38 PM
I have to agree with Showroom as well.

A rotary is not a good choice for a newbie! Once you gain some experience, then move up to the rotary. Otherwise, stick to the PC. I have and use both, but the rotary can be very dangerous in the wrong hands. Plus with a PC, as someone already mentioned, you can apply waxes and glazes easier than with a rotary!

07-07-2003, 11:53 PM
sounds good..... at least i know you can acheive results like a Rotary with a PC with the sacrifice of time and more effort.

07-08-2003, 12:03 AM
so the PC is the porter cable polisher right? i`m considering buying a machine for my car, i`m not totally satisfyed with its shine. I have heard the orbital buffers, which i currently use, are just faster than hand, but gets the same results.

07-08-2003, 12:06 AM
The PC is a nice choice and can tackle some tough things. The Rotary is alot better for bigger stuff oxidation,swirls,scratchs But you need some experience. There is also lots of other dual action polishers like the PC From Bosch and Dewalt.

I would suggest the Top of the Line PC Kit It has everything you need plus stuff for interior even its a nice package.

And you get way better results with a random orbital polisher then by hand and you do it in half the time. Do a search for Jngrbrdman and look for the red pick up truck that explains the power of AIO and the PC.

07-08-2003, 12:27 AM
Its Red.

07-08-2003, 12:30 AM
Whoops I was thinking of something else sorry. You can really see the results in the before and after pics of the truck its amazeing.

07-08-2003, 11:10 AM
I do not care for the PC except to apply polish et al. I vote rotary I do not think it is as hard to learn as everyone said I learned in 2 cars and now acheive amazing results.

07-10-2003, 03:25 AM
What is a PC? I see all these acronyms and its driving me crazy because I have no idea what any of them mean.

07-10-2003, 05:07 AM
PC - Porter Cable. A brand of random orbital polisher.

Amen to what 4DSC said.
