View Full Version : The ultimate in leather care

07-06-2003, 06:31 PM
I have been using Mothers/cleaner and conditioner on my leather since I bought my Explorer(new) about 1 1/2 years ago.

Even with regular use the leather is showing a few minor cracks:mad:

Now I`m looking into buying Leatherique wich I have read great reviews on it .

Have any of you guys used or are using this product?

What do you think of it?

If you don`t like could you recommend something that you find excellent.:bow

Thanks to all.:bow :wavey

07-06-2003, 06:36 PM
If you cant find a letaher conditioner made and used by the leather industry then its not the best you can buy for your leather. Leather should never be shiny. Rather matte and tacky to the touch. Otherwise the product probably has distilates to spread easier.


07-06-2003, 06:41 PM
Griots Leather Cleaner :up

This is the only product I like from Griots alot along with their Interior Cleaner. Very mild but it get`s the job done

07-06-2003, 10:26 PM
I am using Lexol Leather Kit which includes the cleaner, neatsfoot and conditioner.

Lexol works OK. I love the smell coz it really smells like fresh leather after application.

I tried topping Lexol with 303 Aerospace Protectant and I really like the look of the leather not to mention the UV protection it has.

07-06-2003, 11:13 PM
Maybe the cracks are from actual physical wear and tear, i.e. passengers sitting and moving around the vehicle. If it is, then I don`t think dressings and conditioners would help retard this type of damage. At most, they`re going to contribute to protection and long-term protection from the elements and from drying up prematurely.