View Full Version : good plastic cleaner/polish?

07-03-2003, 04:05 AM
i`ve been looking for a good plastic cleaner or polish. i want something i can use on my console area and my wood trim.

my wood trim has alot of scratches and swirl marks, would a plastic polish help this?

right now i am looking at plexus it seems like a good cleaner and polish

any reccomendations?

07-03-2003, 05:24 AM

On console and other plastic, try Meguiars Plastx. I`ve seen what it does on dash clusters, works well. Takes a bit of time rubbing, but the results are good.



07-03-2003, 02:34 PM
will any of this work on my wood trimmed pannels?

will it also be good for my headlamps and tail lights?

megauirs plasticx and mothers plastic polish sounds good i can find it at my local stores, i dont reall see plexus around.