View Full Version : Autofiber Border Construction

07-02-2003, 09:59 PM
With MF towels the border can be a critical area and can cause scratching depending on the materials used and the construction method.

How are the borders of Autofiber MFs made? and with what Material?

07-07-2003, 09:48 PM
knock - knock - knock . . . helloooo . . . is an body hommmme?

Ian are you missing in action?

07-08-2003, 06:04 PM

Sorry for the delay. I had a little extended 4th weekend.

To answer your question, the stiching is the same material as the towel, microfiber. I have never had a problem with the stiching causing a problem. Have you?


07-08-2003, 11:05 PM
Originally posted by Autofiber.com

I have never had a problem with the stiching causing a problem. Have you?

On some other brands I`ve tried in the past I`ve had problems with stiching induced scratches. The worst was with the Mequiar`s Ultimate Wipe.

I`ve become a bit paranoid about this actually. I now fold my MF towels in quarters so that there are no exposed borders.

Anyway, I ordered a couple of the Autofiber cloths last week to give them a test drive. They haven`t arrived yet so hopefully I get them later this week.