View Full Version : Klasse AIO, SG and S100 question

07-01-2003, 05:22 PM
Okay, I`ve washed, clayed, 3M IHG`d and Blitz`d my car, but I`d like to start fresh and try the AIO, SG and S100 setup I`ve read about in this forum. I have a few questions before I start.

I have some light (unable to feel with a fingernail) scratches in the paint that I rubbed out with the IMG. They come back from time to time and I rub them out again. If I clean the car with AIO won`t these scratches reappear? Will AIO remove the IHG that hides the light scratches?

I know that to remove the scratches I have to take off some clear coat and I have a wonderful Makita 9227 w/neat case that will do the job, but I`m not ready to use it on my car without more practice. But assuming I was ready to take the wheel to my car, what products would be recommended. One area has very light oxidation/gas stains near the fuel door and the passenger side has very light scratches that run the length of the car and seem to be the result of rubbing against a bush. Like I said, I can make everything disappear with the IHG and a bit of elbow grease.

Help a newbie out, please.

07-01-2003, 05:32 PM
AIO will most certianly remove the IHG oils that are filling the swirls right now. It will also be able to handle the oxidation you see. I love AIO for that purpose specificly. It is an awesome cleaner. It won`t do much for your swirls though. Those will still need an abrasive to be removed. You can remove most of your paint problems with AIO that don`t require an abrasive. I`ve got a few good examples in the gallery and in the bragging forum of the power of AIO. I love that stuff. :bow

07-01-2003, 05:40 PM
Just to be clear, I have no swirls only light scratches. Are you saying the AIO can fill them?

07-01-2003, 05:55 PM
No. AIO doesn`t fill. Its a cleaner. If the scratches can be cleaned off then that is what AIO will do. (Just for clarification.. Scratches generally can`t be cleaned off. :lol )

07-02-2003, 12:40 AM
Until you can actually polish out the scratches (maybe invest your elbow grease in working at these with something actually abrasive rather than wasting your time with glaze) you can always try a few coats of Klasse SG in a couple spots to see if it helps hide them. I don`t know how serious these "scratches" are, but SG has only minor filling/hiding ability.

07-02-2003, 10:38 AM
paperchase - As 4DSC said, SG has VERY minor filling abilities at best. Nothing like the IHG, in fact *I* would say that SG doesn`t fill/hide them at all. Whether you call them scratches or swirls ("scratches" sorta implies more linear and possibly more serious marring), you oughta remove them with an abrasive so they STAY gone. Reapplying the IHG all the time sounds like wasted time/effort to me too.

07-05-2003, 05:39 PM
Okay. I understand. So I can`t fill the light scratches and put a glaze sealant over them to keep them from resurfacing. I need to actually remove them with something abrasive. Can anyone recommend a product that I can apply by hand? I have a rotary but am too novice to trust it on any of my cars.

The other thing is that I tested out the Klasse AIO on some fading/oxidation that the IHG made invisible and I did not get the same results. I applied it to a damp applicator and buffed it out immediately with a flannel towel. Seemed to cause a bit of streaking.

Thanks in advance for all the advice!!!