View Full Version : does Klasse suck??.......problems??

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06-30-2003, 08:47 PM
i just bought some AIO and Pinnacle Souveran for the first time. i decided to try them out on my mothers black civic as a test run and her car hasnt been waxed in about a year and its only washed at car washes maybe once a month or so, i was expecting a great result giving the car a "new" look. so i applied the AIO and noticed it was "streaking" as i tried to remove it with a cotton cloth, so 2 applications of that and i did a coat of Souveran. i only did the hood and qurater panels because it got dark outside. but the next day i could barely see any difference on the areas i detailed compared to the areas that i didnt detail. it was smoother and SLIGHTLY more shinny but nothing like i had hoped for or expected. so could anyone tell me why this is, what i might have done wrong, or give me some tips on better technique? Thanks- Ja

06-30-2003, 09:09 PM
Its because AIO isn`t supposed to make it shinier. Its just supposed to clean it. The difference before and after on AIO is something that is ultra hard to see. Here is a comparison for ya. The right side of the picture (with the klasse bottle on top) is AIO and the other side is just clayed and waiting. You can see that AIO darkens the paint a bit, but its something that you would have to really strain to see.


The shine and protection of the Klasse system is in the SG and not in the AIO. AIO is just cleaning the surface. That is why you get streaks. You should have clayed the car first anyway. I find that claying the surface first makes AIO much easier to apply the first time.

Why did you do two applications of AIO? AIO doesn`t layer. The second application wouldn`t improve the appearance unless it was removing something that the first coat missed.

06-30-2003, 09:48 PM
i did the second layer of AIO in hopes of removing the "streaks". i was thinking the streaks might have been caused by left over residue the first coat didnt remove. the second layer did produce less streaking than the first but not totally. i was also wondering why the areas waxed with Pinnacle Souveran did not have much difference in appearance than the areas which were only washed. Thanks- Ja

06-30-2003, 10:02 PM
Did you use any type of polish before the AIO? AIO is a only a cleaner and sealer. It will not remove any dull oxidized paint or clearcoat on it`s on. Try using a polish to bring back the paint`s luster and shine before the AIO. As to the hazing, It was around 90 here yesterday and I did not get any hazing. I applied it very thinnly with a damp MF applicator and removed it after applying to one section with a MF towel dampened with distilled water followed by a dry MF.

I just used AIO yesterday on my bright red supercrew. Prior to sealing with the AIO I clayed, polished with PPCL and Menz FP. Then I applied the AIO. The results were great even before a layer of EX. Once I get another layer of EX on it I`m going to topcoat it with Souveran.

06-30-2003, 10:03 PM
Yes, Once you do a good clay job the AIO will go on and come off very easy. The contaminents stuck to your paint is making the AIO tuff to take off.

Today I did a clay, Klasse AIO, FP, & s100 (2x) on my 97 accord which has not been detailed for like 4 months. It felt almost like sandpaper in most parts. Once I clayed and applied the AIO, the car felt better than brand new.

I also suggest you use a microfiber instead on the 100% cotton cloth.

06-30-2003, 10:06 PM
What condition is this black Civic "test bed" in? :confused: AIO, especially by hand, is pretty mild IMO and won`t do a whole lot of restoring all by itself if the surface is oxidized or swirled....

06-30-2003, 10:12 PM
Originally posted by f150smith

Did you use any type of polish before the AIO? AIO is a only a cleaner and sealer. It will not remove any dull oxidized paint or clearcoat on it`s on. Try using a polish to bring back the paint`s luster and shine before the AIO.

Wha....??? May I direct your attention to this picture (http://www.autopia.org/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=2571&papass=&sort=1).... That is all AIO right there. AIO most certianly does remove oxidation. Its the primary purpose that I use it for. It also provides a great base for a real sealant to bond to as well. This thread (http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=23482) may be one you missed.

Originally posted by f150smith

I just used AIO yesterday on my bright red supercrew. Prior to sealing with the AIO I clayed, polished with PPCL and Menz FP. Then I applied the AIO. The results were great even before a layer of EX. Once I get another layer of EX on it I`m going to topcoat it with Souveran.

AIO isn`t much of a sealant. It is more like a base for a sealant. If AIO was such a great sealant then why would you ever want to use SG on top of it? The fact is that its not a sealant. AIO is a cleaner product that may provide a minor amount of acrylic protection. Its not going to make the car look a whole lot better unless it is only because it removed all the contaminants that were making your car look bad to begin with. Its not going to shine up a car with no surface contamination much. Its a base for a real sealant.

06-30-2003, 11:50 PM
i still think even though i might not have done everything possible to get the "perfect finish" i still should have seen some type of improvment more so than what i did??? P.S. - thanks everyone for your replies, i appreciate it. :-) Thanks- Ja

07-01-2003, 12:21 AM
Just remember, the perfect shine is not a product. Its a process. ;) Don`t expect outstanding results from one or two products. You shouldn`t expect eye poping results from just AIO and Souveran. They are good products but they aren`t going to make a car that is swirled to death look better. I`m not saying that the car that you were working on is swirled to death or anything, I`m just saying that you shouldn`t expect so much from the products that you are using. Some cars just aren`t going to look better until they are prepared properly. Claying and polishing are steps you may want to take. If you aren`t using a sealant on top of AIO then you can skip that part. Its not much in the shine department. If you want to really see a difference then get some SG on it before you top it with Souveran. Don`t expect the Civic to turn into a Ferrari though. :p

07-01-2003, 12:26 AM
lol if i could turn a civic into a ferrari id be a millionaire..(**sigh**)

07-01-2003, 12:39 AM
AIO IS a wonderfull product I find that when I dont Clay or polish I get some darker sports in some areas that you have to heavly buff to get off but after s100 there gone i havent Tried SG yet but i got platnium UPP. jngrbrdman can AIO be applyed by rotary with a CMA white pad ?

07-01-2003, 04:38 AM
I was washing my car one day when a woman brought her car into my apt`s common wash area and started doing her black Honda with turtle wax or something like that. I gave her AIO and SG and she started with the AIO. She was using some cotton rag to remove it and it was streaking all over the place. Looked terrible. I gave her a couple of MF`s to use and that solved the streaking. I think his problem is with the cotton wipes he is using.


07-01-2003, 10:31 AM
the thing is i have a `01 vette that looks great with just a wash and wax with cheaper commercial products but i bought the Souveran and AIO with hopes of enhancing it even more. now that i tried a test run with the Souveran and AIO on my mothers civic with not so great results im afaraid to use it on the vette for fear i might diminish its already pleasing appearance?

07-01-2003, 10:37 AM
Are you using Microfiber to remove the AIO? I think what your problem is that you are not getting it all off. You can also try spritzing it with a little water or Final Inspection. See jimwh`s AIO-SG thread.


07-01-2003, 10:46 AM
Does this look diminished? There has got to be something wrong with your process.
