View Full Version : natural Sea sponge, worth the money?

06-29-2003, 07:21 PM
My old sponge has seen better days. Doing some research I came across the Natural Sea sponge, "they" make them seem like the best thing on the market, but since I have never used them it is hard to judge them, therefore I`m looking towards your knowledge once again.

What do you guys think of the Sea sponge?

Are they worth the money or is something else out there that you guys find better suited for the washing of our cars?:o :nixweiss

:up :xyxthumbs

06-29-2003, 07:40 PM
Short Answer: No, not worth the money.

If you do a search, you`ll find out how particles from the sponge scratch the paint. 100% cotton wash mitts (such as the Viking ones) are preferred.

06-29-2003, 07:48 PM
I`ve been using the Auropia Sheepskin wash mit for about 6 weeks now and love it. My cotton and cotton covered sponges now see duty around the wheel wells and lower bumper areas.

06-30-2003, 03:09 PM
Hehehe, use the sea sponge on a CD and see if it scratches!! :) That`ll tell you if you want to use it on your car or not. If it scratches, don`t ever, ever let it touch your car again! :) Agreeing with f150 and BW suggested, sheepskin wash mits are very nice to use, and just about any viking product I`d use as well. If you ever have a question if something would scratch your paint (towel/sponge/etc. wise) just do the CD test and it`ll give you a clear answer! It`s a fun little tip I learned on here!

Mr. Clean
06-30-2003, 05:37 PM

I am probably in the minority on this subject, but I personally prefer a sponge. Yes, I prefer a sponge, even a synthetic over cotton chenile covered sponges, cotton chenile mitts, and sheepskin mitts. The chenile covered sponges and mitts and sheepskin mitts tend to grab debris and hold them there rather than releasing them in the rinse water. In addition to that concern, I have never had a sheepskin mitt that didn`t end up with a nappy (pun intended) nap, and I don`t intend on having to groom (read comb) out my mitt before and after each use. (I had sheepskin sheep covers back in the 80s they were expensive and equally disappointing.)

I still use some cotton chenile covered sponges, but they are not my favorites.

Keep in mind anything you use on your paint can and will mar your paint if used improperly. As for the "CD test" don`t grab a sponge, MF towel, cotton towel or whatever and go to rubbing the CD unless that is how you are going to be using the product. If you are testing the sponge, use it wet and soapy like you would on your car. I can scratch a CD with most of the

Sea sponges can be expensive, but I like them. Rinse them carefully before use just as you would wash MF towels before using them.

06-30-2003, 05:42 PM
The CD scratch test isn`t the end all, be all of testing. CDs are significantly softer than your car. Take a CD and put a coat of clear on it and then do the test. That would be more accurate. Just because a product can scratch a soft piece of plastic doesn`t mean that the product is harmful to your car.

Sea sponges, and sponges in general, do raise the risk of scratching your car. They don`t always rinse out clean. You could use one just as safely as a wash mitt if you wanted to take the time to do a real complete rinse job everytime you dunked it. Everything you rub on your car increases the chances that you will introduce new swirls to the paint. Some products are safer than others, but risk is part of the job.

07-01-2003, 09:38 AM
I tried, without success, to sell two TOL sea sponges (brand new, in the mesh bags, stored since purchase in a Rubbermaid container) on A-Bay. If anyone`s interested, send me a PM. I`ll let them go well below retail, like half-price or so. It`s a waste for them to just sit here if someone would use them. I`m sticking with my mitts and boar`s hair brushes, myself.

07-01-2003, 10:13 AM
I just don`t trust sea sponges. The only thing I ever used them for was when I painted my room up at our lake home and used it to get that textured look.