View Full Version : New Car Question

06-28-2003, 08:21 AM
My 2002 Volvo S60 is still somewhat new; when I purchased it, they threw on that paint protectant that is supposed to last five or seven years, I can`t recall the name of it? Well my question is, should I still be waxing my car, or will this reduce the life of the protectant?

06-28-2003, 10:25 AM
Read the warranty they provided with the paint protectant......

IMO they ar just applying a polymer sealant and charging way too much for it,,,,,,try a search on here for others experiences with dealership applied protection plans...

06-28-2003, 01:23 PM
If you try waxing it yourself, most retail products would probably remove or weaken the sealant they have applied. The exception to this are non-cleaner waxes.

To be blunt, most people here think those sealant packages are total ripoffs, and that`s understandable since usually the warranty states that you have to bring the car in every few months for a "touchup" where I`m sure they probably just re-apply the stuff. :rolleyes:

It`s up to you if you want to continue with the protection system they applied or just start doing it yourself (safer, better usually, definitely cheaper). There are several products people use here at Autopia that can give you just as good protection. You can either strip the protection off and start from scratch, or put something on top of it that won`t remove it. As said, do a few searches and good luck.