View Full Version : Car washing without drying.. suicidal?

06-26-2003, 11:36 PM
even if its streak free?

06-27-2003, 12:10 AM
As long as all the water runs off. If not, you will get deposits which will etch into your finish when the water spots dry. Also, all those water droplets are like magnifying glasses focusing light on you paint....and you know what happens with magnified sunlight....:eek:

BTW, :welcome

06-27-2003, 12:42 AM
Suicidal.... no.

I wouldnt do it though. But, like Gary said, it wont hurt anything as long as the water dosent sit on the paint. If you are planning on getting on the highway at 90mph on a hot day, you wont have a problem. If you want to wash, and park it... you will run into spotting and possibly etched water spots if the water sits long enough.

06-27-2003, 01:50 AM
I just want to share my experience...

I live in the Philippines. We have a tropical climate with temperatures ranging from 30-32 degrees celcius. At present, we are in the wet season (June to October) and it rains on and off almost everyday or so...

I have 2 coats of Klasse AIO and 5 coats of Klasse SG on top of my paint surface (No Wax Topping).

Since I had my Klasse SG coating on my paint surface, I never encounter any problems with watermarks or rainspots. Even if it rains on and of for almost a day, I just wait for the rain water to dry on my paint surface then use my California Car Duster to remove the rain dust caused by the rain.. whooola my paint surface looks great without any watermarks.

I would like to also share some of my insights regarding watermarks after car washing, as follows:

1. The paint condition greatly determines weather or not you will have watermarks on your paitn surface after washing. If the paint surface is protected well, watermarks will not be that problem.

2. The kind of car shampoo you are using will also contribute to the factor of watermakrs. I noticed my Eimann Fabrik Power Wash + does not leave any watermarks on my paitn surface even if i let it dry for sometime as compare to Rain X Self Dry which leaves a certain marking on my paint surface if I leave it dry for sometime.

3. Heat and weather condition do also affect. I notice that watermarks appear or more evident when washing during the afternoon when it is very hot as opposed to washing early in the morning or early evening.

Hope this information helps.

06-27-2003, 07:39 AM
If your immediately going to drive at hiway speeds, it shouldn`t be a problem.

But I made a huge mistake a few weeks ago.

It was raining, so I rinsed my car before driving into the garage, thinking, "I`ll dry it as soon as I put the groceries away".

Mistake: I forgot to dry it.

Next morning: crusty, etched water spots!!!!:mad:

Nothing has worked, not even clay. They do seem to be less noticible as I work on them each week.

Not worth the risk. Take the 10 minutes and dry it!:xyxthumbs

06-27-2003, 08:34 AM
It also depends on where you live. Before I used to leave little bits of water on the car(after I had drive dried the car) and it would leave nothing. Then I moved. The water at my apartment is like some kind of mineral deposit that AIO will not take off but SEC will....That is a major pain because now I have to be careful about drying every time. So I end up letting the car go longer without washing as I don`t have time to do a proper dry(before it was just a quick wash and then drive to work)

Peter Hsu

06-27-2003, 09:14 AM

Use Eimann Fabirk Power Wash + This car soap / shampoo neutralizes minerals from soft and hard water in order to help the cleaning agents of the soap / shampoo to do its work which is clean up the dirt.

06-27-2003, 02:03 PM
Besides the "hard water" problem, the #1 reason I completely dry all the cars I wash is simply because DUST/POLLEN likes to settle on wet surfaces, especially if you park outside. At the worst of pollen season you can leave the car outside for only 1/2 an hour and it`ll be covered in pollen! And it will look worse once it dries.

06-27-2003, 03:38 PM
I`ve seen the damage not drying can do.

One of our regular customers owns a black `98 MB SLK Kompressor .. what a mess!!

Water marks everywhere.

It took Jngrbrd quite a while and 2 or 3 different products to fix it, but it all came off eventually.

The lady owner explained she would go thru the car wash and then pootle around town in 90 degree sun letting it dry off.


All I can say is :


06-27-2003, 04:06 PM

I was really laughing so hard seeing your smilie at the end of your post. I can just imagine how the watermarks looks when you said :scared . It must have really been that scarry to see the watermarks she had.