View Full Version : Will A Rotary Always Remove A Swirl?

06-25-2003, 05:11 PM
A friend of mine got me thinking today. Rotary vs PC.

I was using a PC, Yellow Pad and Meguiar`s DACP. I could not remove a linear clearcoat scratch on the hood. It didn`t look nor feel that bad. My friend said why am I fooling around with all these different polishes/compounds and a Random Orbiter.

Could a Rotary + yellow pad + DACP have worked where a PC + yellow pad + DACP could not?

Is he right?

06-25-2003, 05:26 PM
A rotary MIGHT have worked in this situation, in the right hands! :) The depth of the scratch probably had a lot to do with why you couldn`t remove it with a PC. But, remember one thing: A rotary in the wrong hands is MUCH more dangerous than a PC in the wrong hands.


Tim Lingor
06-25-2003, 07:07 PM

The rotary would have had a much better chance of removing the mark than the PC. But the rotary would also have a much better chance of inducing buffer marks/halos to your paint as well!

In the right hands, the rotary can do wonderful things that no PC ever could. But in the wrong hands, it can also be a disaster waiting to happen. I cringe every time a newbie says that the rotary is safe etc... . They have been lucky...so far!!! I use the rotary 90% of the time and would not detail without it. But I am painfully aware each time I use it!