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06-25-2003, 11:09 AM
I spoke with Meguiars and the fellow told me some interesting stuff. I`d like your feedback.

1) He said DACP is the second most aggressive product they have. Is this true? What about Fine Cut, Medium Cut, Heavy Cut, Diamond, Compound Power etc...?

2) He said DACP can NOT be used with a PC, ONLY a rotary. When I mentioned that people use the PC all the time he said that you`re only creating swirls. Is this true?! (Mind you, I used DACP with my PC on black with stellar results - I didn`t say this to him).

He said I should stick with Medallion Premium Paint Cleaner and then #9 with my PC. With that achieve the same results as DACP alone with a PC?

I`ve used both DACP and Medallion. I find the Medallion only cleans oxidation and blemishes and does zero for scratches and swirls. The DACP does it all - oxidation, scratches and swirls. Are they hiding or does the DACP truly get rid of them? (I`ve only used DACP twice in the last 2 months).

06-25-2003, 11:18 AM
That doesn`t make any sense to me. I`ve used the Medallion cleaner and agree that it does very little for swirls. It seems to me that DACP is just about the most popular product on here for the removal of swirls & scratches (not just filling them in), and I know when I have a big job to do, I reach for either the DACP or Menzerna IP. Haven`t touched the Medallion cleaner in at least a year, and I don`t think I`ll ever go back. Maybe the Meguiar`s rep was new...I just don`t understand why he would try to point you away from DACP.

06-25-2003, 11:27 AM

It was weird to me.

Outside of Mike Philip`s wonderful, informative and incredibly helpful knowledge base, the other Meguiar Techs I`ve spoken to in the past (only 3 other times) have left me scratching my head? :nixweiss

Excellent products, great company, but quircky tech help in my few humble experiences.

C. Charles Hahn
06-25-2003, 11:29 AM
Originally posted by Spilchy

2) He said DACP can NOT be used with a PC, ONLY a rotary. When I mentioned that people use the PC all the time he said that you`re only creating swirls. Is this true?! (Mind you, I used DACP with my PC on black with stellar results - I didn`t say this to him).

now.... lets look at the name of this product. DUAL ACTION cleaner polish.

I understand that part of the meaning is that it cleans and polishes in one step, but also, as it was explained once to me, it means it is intended for use with DUAL ACTION POLISHERS (a.k.a PCs) Now to say that this product is only for use with rotary is a contradition to the very name of the product.

Also, I would`ve mentioned to the guy that we all know someone who uses DACP by hand quite frequently with stellar results (Scottwax.)

Only creating swirls... well thats another thing that makes very little if any sense at all. Unless the abrasives in DACP are "directional" (as in they will only do their job when used with a rotary because of its high speed directional spin) you will not be creating swirls with the PC.

Sounds like you just got a guy who doesn`t know what he`s talking about.... :doh

06-25-2003, 11:56 AM
I remember reading the back of the bottle of DACP. I`m paraphrasing, but it said that it`s meant for use with dual action, orbital, or rotary buffer.

06-25-2003, 12:01 PM
Well, if you look at the bottle label, it shows DACP on the abrasiveness scale. It`s on par with medium cut cleaner. So stronger products are heavy cut, diamond, AND compound power cleaner. This rep just didn`t know his products.

06-25-2003, 02:04 PM
More Meguiar`s tech support magic...... :rolleyes: :down

I have found DACP to be pretty forgiving. I`ve used it by PC with great results, and I`m not Scott but it even works by hand in those spots you can`t reach by PC.

imported_Larry A
06-25-2003, 02:19 PM
If you want to talk Meguiars you have to talk to Mike Phillips . He seems to know all the ins and outs of Meguiars products.

Steve @ Guru
06-25-2003, 02:23 PM
The easy solution is to keep calling back until you get the answer you`re looking for.

To quote Office Space..."those no-talent azz clowns" don`t seem to put too much effort into quality tech support. I`ve got so many good stories about the tech support fiasco`s - I don`t even know where to begin.

If you want a really good laugh, call them up a few times and ask for a paint care prescription. :)

06-25-2003, 02:29 PM
I dont understand why you would call in the first place:nixweiss It seems like every month somebody posts their bad experiences with Meg`s tech support. What did you expect? Seriously?

Just ask it here or PM Mike Phillips.

06-25-2003, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by geekysteve

The easy solution is to keep calling back until you get the answer you`re looking for.

To quote Office Space..."those no-talent azz clowns" don`t seem to put too much effort into quality tech support. I`ve got so many good stories about the tech support fiasco`s - I don`t even know where to begin.

If you want a really good laugh, call them up a few times and ask for a paint care prescription. :)

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :LOLOL

06-25-2003, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by stanger99

I dont understand why you would call in the first place:nixweiss It seems like every month somebody posts their bad experiences with Meg`s tech support. What did you expect? Seriously?

Just ask it here or PM Mike Phillips.

I don`t mean to baffle you :D

I`m sitting at my desk, absolutely no one in the office, twiddling my thumbs reading Autopia since nobody can see me.

I saw a posting about the aggressiveness of Medallion Paint Cleaner and felt like calling them to see how it compared to DACP. I figured, why not call and speak to somebody live? This way I can have a conversation instead of typing it out. I was too baffled by his responses to remain on the phone longer than the 5 minutes he took to explain himself to me.

06-25-2003, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by Spilchy

I`m sitting at my desk, absolutely no one in the office, twiddling my thumbs reading Autopia since nobody can see me.


06-25-2003, 04:46 PM
Originally posted by geekysteve

The easy solution is to keep calling back until you get the answer you`re looking for.

To quote Office Space..."those no-talent azz clowns" don`t seem to put too much effort into quality tech support. I`ve got so many good stories about the tech support fiasco`s - I don`t even know where to begin.

If you want a really good laugh, call them up a few times and ask for a paint care prescription. :)

Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays!

06-25-2003, 04:55 PM
OT I know but... that movie is the most realistic representation of an IT/Tech job ever made.