View Full Version : SMR and DACP question

06-24-2003, 09:14 PM
Ok I have swirls.

I`m going to purchase both DACP and SMR. DACP because I feel it is necessary to remove the swirls I have now and SMR because I will use it to maintain the car swirl free in the future.

1. I`m going to use DACP with CMA yellow pad. Will this produce a glaze?

2. I`ve heard following up with SMR might be a good idea after DACP`ing because it gives better results. Is this true?

3. If I do in fact skip SMR`ing after the DACP does the DACP contain oils or fillers that will affect bonding when I apply Zaino?

4. If your car is swirl free what good does Z5 do? Why not just go from Z1 to Z2?

If you can address any of these questions I have...I`d be truly grateful.

Oh it`s a black car if that makes a difference.

06-24-2003, 09:32 PM
#1 DACP once it has broken down will leave a nice shine behind, no need for SMR IMO unless you want fillers.

#2 Individual opinion

#3 No, I put 4 coats of Zaino over DACP this weekend.

#4 Z5 will do nothing if your car is swirl free, and IMHO Z5 does nothing if your car has swirls.

If you need more help holla!

06-24-2003, 10:00 PM
DACP is a cleaner AND polish, so no need to do any SMR.

Meg Medallion Paint Cleaner is a more agressive cleaner, less polish for those tuff spots. It`s more a chem cleaner than abrasive.

Once you "break-down" the DACP, check your results. Are you happy with it? If so, time for Z1/Z2 or ZFX/Z2 and or Souveran. DACP does a fine job of polishing the finish to a high shine, just change pads to a polish pad and finish it up.

If not so happy, and more polish shine needed, you could go with Menzerna FP. Used by Benz on their high-end cars, but it`s a learning curve, at least for me it was.

I`ve used #7, but it`s oily and had to let it setup overnight before any Zaino. After setup, washed car again and added ZFX/Z2 with a Souveran top. Souveran looks really nice on black!

Just take your time, check your results before you move to another product. Once you get one area really nice, you now have the hang of the product and tool you used. Otherwise, adding different products into the mix may frustrate you in the process of getting black free of swirls.

Keep up posted!



06-25-2003, 09:49 AM
I`m definitely planning on taking before and after pictures...no worries there. I`m also doing an old MX6 which looks horrible...

Should I work in sections? Say I DACP the hood...should I Zaino right after and then move on? Or should I DACP the entire car and then maybe have to wait to the next day and Zaino?

My fear is running out of daylight and having a DACP`ed car accumulating dust til the next day. Then I`d have to wash again before applying Zaino...

You guys have been really helpful...thanks.

06-25-2003, 11:07 AM
Z2 / Z5 - They supposedly give slighter different looks. The notion is that Z5 is for dark cars and Z2 for light coloured but in the end, Z5 (very very very minor filling capability) made me purchase it over Z2.

But at the end of the day, it probably doesn`t matter which one you use. Very very few people can tell the difference in a side by side comparison so you can imagine how hard it would be if you just applied one and had people guess which one was applied. You`d probably get a 50/50 distribution if you asked enough people.

06-27-2003, 04:19 PM
Originally posted by paco

Z2 / Z5 - They supposedly give slighter different looks. The notion is that Z5 is for dark cars and Z2 for light coloured but in the end, Z5 (very very very minor filling capability) made me purchase it over Z2.

But at the end of the day, it probably doesn`t matter which one you use. Very very few people can tell the difference in a side by side comparison so you can imagine how hard it would be if you just applied one and had people guess which one was applied. You`d probably get a 50/50 distribution if you asked enough people.

Z5 is not a protectant like Z2. Z5 is Zaino`s swirl fighter (I`m not convinced it works all that well). Z2 and Z3 are the protectants. You don`t have to use Z5 if you use Z2 or Z3 but you have to use Z2 or Z3 no matter what.

Dave N
06-27-2003, 04:28 PM
Z5 is not a protectant like Z2. Z5 is a Zaino`s swirl fighter (I`m not convinced it works all that well). Z2 and Z3 are the protectants. You don`t have to use Z5 if you use Z2 or Z3 but you have to use Z2 or Z3 not matter what.

Wow, I never knew that! But I went to the Zaino website and sure enough it said to follow Z5 up with Z2. From the countless posts I`ve read on Z, I don`t ever recall anyone mentioning that before. Thanks!:xyxthumbs

06-27-2003, 04:37 PM
hmmm strange double post....deleted.