View Full Version : Does S100/P21S give the wettest look?

06-24-2003, 08:34 PM
I`ve used a few premium products, e.g. Klasse twins and more recently Poorboy`s EX which gave a bright shine, but nothing I`ve used so far gives a wetter look than S100/P21s.

Anything rivals S100/P21s for the wet look?

06-24-2003, 09:34 PM
There might be a few, but I don`t think they`ll be priced as competitively as s100.

06-24-2003, 11:10 PM
All by itself I`d say that Platinum and Blackfire both are competitive in that area. I was very impressed with both those products all by themselves. There is definitely a different effect when you top one of those products with S100/P21S, but if you put S100/P21S on a car with nothing underneath and compared it to a car with just BF or UPP then I think you would have a hard time telling the difference.

Souveran and PPG are also competitors. I`m sure that there are a lot of products that would rival S100/P21S for that `wet` look. I mean, that is what carnauba is supposed to do. It depends on what color you are using it on anyway. I think that Souveran looks better on red than P21S does. There is a different look for sure. I wouldn`t call it a better wax, but I like the results better appearance wise. The jury is still out on what the `best` wax is. I doubt it will ever be decided since personal taste comes into play so much.