View Full Version : Just finished using Meguiar`s #9...

06-24-2003, 10:38 AM
... and the results weren`t too spectacular.

My car is black and I`m always fighting swirls. The weather is getting nicer (not supposed to rain for a long while) and I decided to give #9 a whirl (then top it off with #7 and #26) -- I`ve never tried #9 before.

So, I get up at about 5:30AM to get an early start before the sun got too warm for me to do anything. It was only about 10 degrees celcius (50 fahrenheit). I applied the product to the entire car and when I went to buff everything off, the product was still wet. Now I noticed that some of the swirls are now gone, but the majority of them are still there.

I plan to do try again in the early evening when the temperature should reach about 22 degrees celcius (71.6 fahrenheit).

Any comments? Suggestions?

*** UPDATE ON REPLY #11 ***

06-24-2003, 10:53 AM
It is my understanding that #9 is intended for use with a rotary polisher. Acceptable results can also be obtained by using a random orbital polisher (some times called a DA for dual action of which the most popular model is the Porter Cable and is referred to as a PC on this forum). With these tools I`ve been able remove minor swirls and polish out the hazing left behind after using a more agresive swirl removal product like Mequiar`s DACP (dual action cleaner polish).

I believe #9 has some filling properties so the slight improvement you have seen from your hand application (I`m assuming from your post that you applied it by hand) would likely be attributable to this and not the cleaning properties of the polish.

This is my experience, others on the forum with more experience and expertise than me might offer some more specific advice. You also might try using the search function for "swirl removal" and "#9*". Swirl removeal is a very common discussion topic on this forum and has been discussed quite a bit in my experience.

06-24-2003, 12:37 PM
Ive been using #9 by hand with great results, after a few details ive finally got most of my swirls out. It will take a few applications by hand to get good results. Lots of elbow grease.

06-24-2003, 01:32 PM
How did you "apply" the #9? Did you work the product for a while until the abrasives break down? Or did you just apply it like a wax. From your description is seems like you applied it to the whole car like a wax and then buffed off (right?).

#9 is a polish that needs to be worked for quite a bit into the paint by hand for it to do anything. It should be almost dry by the time you finshing working one panel, before you buff it. I`ve never done it by hand, but I would guess it takes a lot of work to get significant swirls out by hand.


06-24-2003, 01:44 PM
Originally posted by mpauly

How did you "apply" the #9? Did you work the product for a while until the abrasives break down? Or did you just apply it like a wax. From your description is seems like you applied it to the whole car like a wax and then buffed off (right?).

#9 is a polish that needs to be worked for quite a bit into the paint by hand for it to do anything. It should be almost dry by the time you finshing working one panel, before you buff it. I`ve never done it by hand, but I would guess it takes a lot of work to get significant swirls out by hand.

Michael It sounds like Michael said it all right there. Having used #9 with a PC, I can`t imagine doing the job by hand. And yes, I know there are those that do.


06-24-2003, 01:59 PM
If the swirls are minor, #9 by hand would be adequate, after numerous passes. But if the swirls are severe, then #9 even with a PC is not going to do much, unless you`re willing to be at it for several hours.

Unless you use a rotary, better off getting some DACP to use with your PC.

06-24-2003, 03:24 PM
I think mpauly and 2wheelsx2 has it covered pretty well. Polishes need to be worked in really thoroughly almost till dry. Most people work it a section at a time. Be prepared for a lengthy workout.

Swirl removal by hand is pretty hard unless they`re really light. You simply don`t get the leverage you do with a PC. If your swirls are too tough for the #9 to handle in a reasonable amount of time then I would step up to DACP or maybe #2 fine cut and then back down to #9 if it leaves some hazing. In all cases usage is about the same - work it in thoroughly.


06-24-2003, 06:04 PM
In my experience any Swirl Remover is nearly useless if you use it with a PC.

I dunno why .. maybe the tool just doesnt get it hot enough, but it seems to do jack.

That why I usually use DACP as a minimum, stepping up to Diamond Cut for localised marks and heavy swirls.

Just my experience .. but it saves me alot of time.

The good thing is theres no hazing afterwards, so its straight to AIO and UPP or just a wax, depending on what I`m doing.

06-24-2003, 06:19 PM
yeah, what everyone said. I think many new people, myself included only a short while ago, don`t realize when we say "minor swirl" we mean REALLY minor swirl.

If you can see it a couple feet away in sunlight, #9+PC will make it a little better. If you can only see in under artificial light and within 1-2`, #9+PC will reduce most of the swirls.

minor swirls means really really minor. for the life of me I could not see any difference using #9 by hand. I guess only a select few can have such talent :D.

06-24-2003, 08:04 PM
I agree with DACP for swirls and minor defects, follwed with #9 or 3M SMR.

If really bad, I`ve used Menzerna IP/FP, but you need a rotory for IP at least for it to work. Tried it with a PC, no luck. The FP does a nice job if you bump up the speed on the PC though.

It`s just a matter of finding what works for you and how fast. Or how long you are willing to "work" the polish to gain results. Some take longer, some shorter depending on which tool you use.

DACP works really well if you give it a shot. If you don`t have 3M SMR, #9 following will assist in bringing up final shine with any leftover swirls filled.

If you do not have the tools ( PC and/or rotory) look into purchasing one or both. Costal Tool has them at very good prices.

Hand removal of swirls is difficult unless VERY fine. But it CAN be done, just takes a lot longer!

Good luck


06-25-2003, 02:48 AM
i used mutliple passes and i worked it in till my arm felt like a piece of jello. i applied it as directed on the bottle.

06-25-2003, 03:05 AM
Thanks for all of the advice!

I did in fact use a foam applicator and applied it as if it was a wax this morning. :nono

I don`t own or have access to a PC, I decided to have a workout this evening...

... and what a workout it was!

I worked #9 on each panel for 5 minutes then wiped it off immediately. The sun was still up but wasn`t high enough so I couldn`t really see the results in direct sunlight. In the areas where the sun did hit the car, there was a huge improvement over the application in the morning. There were still a few swirls, but the majority of them disappeared. :up

The next time I do this, I will try some DACP and borrow my dad`s DA.

After #9, then came #7. I was looking forward to this step. It was just apply a thin coat to entire car and buff off. Easy.

This morning I mentioned that I was going to top it off with #26, BUT, I went out and bought a jar of S100. (Funny story when I went to purchase it: I pull into the Harley Davidson shop and there was only one parking stall left. The rest of the stalls were all bikes -- I was the only car! That`s just the parking lot; I stuck out like a sore thumb in the store itself. I had all these big tall guys around me and there I was the short Asian with his 1.5 year old son in his arms.) Anyways, I applied a very thin coat S100 to each panel and wiped it off immediately. My oh my! :shocked The car was just absolutely gorgeous. I would have taken pictures, but the sun was just about down and my digital camera doesn`t do too well in the dark.

Thanks again guys for your help. I will post pics as soon as I can!

06-25-2003, 03:19 AM
I was unhappy with the 9 at first so i went to the venerable scottwax for advice and he told me to apply it with a terry towel, and the results were much better.

06-25-2003, 04:36 AM
Application of #9 by hand is not the real way to get the results. You will get results, but it will be less dramatic and if the swirls are somewhat deep, forget it.

If you really want results, buy a PC please! Your arm will thank you.

#7 is a pure polish, somewhat oily, but does enhance the shine! This gets more intense once wax is applied.

Be careful on which DA you use, you may end up putting MORE swirls on the paint. This is more prevelent with the ones that have those terry bonnets. They trap product, product heats up, dries and makes the terry fibers hard as nails! If you do use a DA, make sure it`s with a foam pad and check your work often!!



06-25-2003, 01:52 PM
Originally posted by P.NOiZE

I worked #9 on each panel for 5 minutes then wiped it off immediately. The sun was still up but wasn`t high enough so I couldn`t really see the results in direct sunlight. In the areas where the sun did hit the car, there was a huge improvement over the application in the morning. There were still a few swirls, but the majority of them disappeared. :up Glad you`re getting results! :xyxthumbs

BTW, I know exactly how you felt going to the Harley dealership! :lol