View Full Version : Questions about Orbital Buffer?

06-23-2003, 12:10 AM
I recently purchased a 10" orbital buffer and plan on using it. Are there any tips and hints that you have on how to do it? How much of the polish/was/etc. should i use?

06-23-2003, 08:32 AM
I used one of these for almost 20 years before switching to a PC. Some tips:

1. Buy as many good quality bonnets as you can find. At one time I had 15-20 (I was detailing professionally so I needed them) but I`ve found you need at least 4-6 minumum. This gives you the ability to switch bonnets if one gets dirty or loaded with too much crud. Hand wash your bonnets after every use.

2. You`ll use more product when you start buffing as the bonnet needs to get loaded. But ease off on the product use when you notice the bonnet is loaded. Its easy to use too much product so go easy.

3. Be careful with the buffer handle (the ring you hold on to) against things like mirrors or objects perpendicular to what you are buffing. The vibrations from the machine might cause scratches if the handle contacts the car.

4. Don`t expect miracles but the buffer should do a decent job. They really work well when using cleaner waxes or to remove products like glazes but they simply don`t have the juice to remove scratches or other serious defects. They are light duty machines best used with light duty products but will work OK with almost anything you want to use.

Good luck and happy buffing! :)

06-23-2003, 02:07 PM
<---- makes mental note of this thread.

Thanks Bret, every once in a while someone asks about using the cheapo bonnet style buffers and no one seems to have a clue. :xyxthumbs

BTW, were terry bonnets all you ever used, or did you flirt with those thin wax applicator or wool bonnets too?

06-23-2003, 04:00 PM

Those thin bonnets are a recent discovery. I`d never seen them or heard of them all those years. Wool bonnets were always hard for me to find and even harder to use. I used one a long time ago and didn`t like it and never understood the benefit of wool. I mean, its not like a PC where you can crank up the speed.

06-24-2003, 12:26 AM
Okay, thanks Bret.