View Full Version : Can I use with pc?......

06-22-2003, 10:25 AM
I have not found a definte answer when searching, so I was wondering can you use Souvern, S100 and EX with a pc?

If so, anything special need to be done? Thanks

06-22-2003, 10:56 AM
Applying paste waxes like Souveran and S100 with a PC can be done, but it`s more trouble than it`s worth, IMO . . . you`ll have to use a spatula or knife to get the wax out of the jar and onto the pad.

With sealants and liquid waxes, I use a grey finishing pad and PC to apply almost exclusively these days. I find it to be faster, and I`m able to lay down a thinner, more even coat than I can by hand (especially useful with sealants that can be finicky to remove if applied too thickly).

In general, I do pastes by hand, and use the PC for just about everything else.


06-22-2003, 11:22 AM
spoiler- Welcome to Autopia. You CAN apply those products with a PC. I`ve done it when dealing with shoulder injuries. Apply pastes to your pad with a putty knife or something similar. It doesn`t really save much time (and it seems to waste product), but it IS a different motion. Give it a try, it won`t cause any problems and you might like it. I almost ALWAYS apply 3M showcar paste wax and Collinite 476S with a PC, even now that my shoulders are OK. I just like doing it that way.

06-22-2003, 11:22 AM
I seem to recall that PCs are fine for applying waxes and sealants, but that buffing/removal should be done by hand. Is that correct?

06-22-2003, 11:25 AM
Problem with machine removal is that it doesn`t always get all the product off. And the most common MF bonnets (Viper) aren`t soft enough. The suede-style MF bonnets work sorta OK, still gotta do the final bit by hand as often as not. Not really a matter of "should", in my experience. Just like using a PC for anything else, IMO.

06-22-2003, 12:19 PM
I believe that DavidB once suggested putting your paste carnauba in the microwave for a few seconds only to make it gel-like and then use your fingers to smear it onto the PC pad.

Using the PC for waxing is a matter of style, I guess.

06-22-2003, 01:40 PM
Thanks for all the info. I`ve been reading the boeard off and on for awhile now and never seen this subject clarified.