View Full Version : Please Help Me Top Decide...

06-22-2003, 09:21 AM
If you have tried using Pinnacle Souveran Paste Wax, I need your opinion to help me decide if it is worth buying a $59.95 worth of 8.oz Pinnacle Souveran Paste Wax. Is there really a big difference from S100 / PS21 Paste Wax?

I live in the Philippines and spending for $59.95 plus international shipment is really a BIG DEAL. For some people here in our country... the Pinnacle Souveran Paste wax is equivalent to 1 month of their salary.

Hope you can provide me feedback and product opinion.

By the way, I currently have 2 coats of Klasse AIO and about 5 coats of Klasse SG. (See Picture Below)

06-22-2003, 09:31 AM
We got no picture, but if it is worth that much, I would say no, not that BIG of a difference, on a black car, it is a little deeper, but IMO i dont think it is worth a months salary.

06-22-2003, 09:42 AM
Sorry the pictures was prevented from uploading by the system coz the same pics have been posted in another forum.

Here is the pics attached from my previous posting.


06-22-2003, 09:51 AM
Yeah seeing that, stick to what you have, it looks really good

06-22-2003, 10:29 AM
jaim - Yeah, what you have now looks great. IF (big IF) you want to top it, I`d go with the P21S. I`ve used a LOT of Souveran, and there ARE subtle differences between Souveran and P21S, but if you`re even THINKING about the price, go with P21S. Plus, I think P21S would hold up better in your climate. Souveran is a sorta "soft" wax, especially in high heat conditions. And as far as those subtle differences go, you might even PREFER the P21S!

06-22-2003, 10:50 AM
Thank you very much for your valuable feedback. I really appreciate it very much.

Now, I have a good reason to tell and convince my self not to buy Pinnacle Souverann Paste Wax.

I really like how you guys used my Klasse pictures to illustrate the difference that I will be getting If I apply Pinnacle Souveran Paste Wax which is NOT MUCH A DIFFERENCE... or the difference will not justify the cost of US$59.95

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

06-22-2003, 11:41 AM
jaim- Glad to offer my $0.02. Given your climate, I`d consider just sticking with the SG, replenishing it from time to time and/or using a SG-friendly QD after each wash. I`m getting great results with BF`s QD on my SG and the Sonax (sp?) QD is MADE for this.

06-22-2003, 12:17 PM
I`ve heard great things about Trade Secret from topoftheline.com. Seems to be very similar to Souveran.


06-24-2003, 09:36 PM

Will US$47.50 per tub of Pinnacale Souveran Wax now becomes reasonable to purchase already based on what I have discussed first-above.

I saw the Pinnacle Souveran product at 2 for US$95.00 at


Now.... the devil is playing music on my ears :sosad telling me to go for it!!!

Any opinions to help me decide :confused:

06-24-2003, 09:39 PM
By the way, I am going to get somebody to purchase with me the 2 for U$95.00 so we can have the product at US$47.50 each.

06-30-2003, 03:26 PM
jaim, that`s a great price for Souveran...but it`s still almost twice as much as P21S, not to mention S100...you could get 3 tubs! (Granted, these are both only 6 oz per). Personally, I love Souveran, but with shipping that cost is out of control! Have your friend split the shipping on 2 tubs of S100. That way, you`ll love the wax and the price

06-30-2003, 06:40 PM
I`ve used both on my black car and honestly, I wouldn not buy Souveran again. Sure it looks great, but so does S100, EX, and others. My point is spend the money on paint prep products or a PC if you do not have one already. Souveran has its place, but if I were in your shoes, S100 is the way to go.

06-30-2003, 07:36 PM
but if I were in your shoes, S100 is the way to go

I have to agree with Greg on this one. I have always been a big fan of Pinnacle Souveran and have used it exclusively on my show car. The shine is fantastic.

Recently I have been messing with Megs #7 and S100 and I am really finding it hard to tell the difference between the 2.

Dont get me wrong I love Souveran but when its difficult to tell the difference with a product that costs $14.95 vs $69.95 it really makes you wonder.

Both apply just as easily and the results are just as stunning.

07-01-2003, 05:29 AM
Thank you guys for your feedback!

I will probably spend the money budgeted for souveran on other detailing products...
